I'm still lol'ing that after years of this site calling out white supremacy in all forms, this whole white lady was given a pass on pretending to be Native American, going so far as to allow Harvard to officially recognize her as such, stealing that academic and social opportunity from an actual Native American.HL not gonna like this one
But but Mitch McConnell is his friend. This is why I despise Democrats more than Republicans. They treat these thugs like friends and the Republicans see them as the enemy and act accordingly. Then the Democrats don't understand why they get destroyed in the election. Biden got saved by Covid. Otherwise we're looking at 4 years more of trump. Fukk these Trump supporters and enablers and build your base out of millions of non voters. Also will someone tell AOC to STFU about GD socialism because her dumbass is playing right into the GOP narrative and she's going to make it harder for the Dems to win. It's almost like she's a plant for the GOP.Joe Biden better grow some balls quick. I don't like all this middle ground talk. And now they going after his potential cabinet appointments. That senate is not going to confirm Susan Rice for anything.