You know, the first year, we were able to, with the — with the Rescue Plan, we were able to send them a check for eight grand. I mean, a check. One — and beyond that, by the way; there was more than that.
But when you’re mak- — if you’re making 120 grand and you get a check for 8 grand, that’s a lot of money. And so it helped save a lot of people, in terms of getting thrown out of their homes and rental housing and a whole range of things.
But I started thinking about it, just as, you know, somebody who’s raised as a middle-class kid. One year, even though you didn’t have the job you have now, even though you didn’t get a raise that year, the difference between having a job, having a 5 percent raise or whatever — 3,5,7, whatever it happens to be — in the face of inflation, the price at the pump — although that’s down every day so far. But, you know, it’s like, “Whoa, I feel worse off.” But then again, I didn’t get a check for eight grand from the government. They just — among other things. Does that make any sense to anybody, or is it just me?