Anything to stop the bleeding. Gas is almost 6 dollars here and will probably by 6.00 by Monday. They need to be in there trying to stop this everydayIf the bill was to pass how would it lower gas prices immediately?
Anything to stop the bleeding. Gas is almost 6 dollars here and will probably by 6.00 by Monday. They need to be in there trying to stop this everydayIf the bill was to pass how would it lower gas prices immediately?
I'm for it but just wondering how it would stop the bleeding.Anything to stop the bleeding. Gas is almost 6 dollars here and will probably by 6.00 by Monday. They need to be in there trying to stop this everyday
letting Biden off the cuff would help A LOT
If Dems had balls they'd end all federal subsidies for oil and gas companies.
Mfers are going to be putting up a poster of a Christmas tree at this rate:These gas prices are insane. And all the forcasts show there wont be any let up anytime soon for both gas and inflation. Gonna be a cold summer and a bare christmas tree.
See, when its not planned and when she's off the cuff, she BODIES this shyt