How is the vaccine impacting women?
Younger women?My mom, black, 65, took the J&J shot with ZERO side effects.
Younger women?
Younger women?
Got my 2nd Moderna shot a little while ago
Both of my sisters are in their early 40s, they said didn't feel any side effects after their first and second Moderna shotsYounger women?
So my wife is having issues with her period after taking the Pfizer. It came earlier and she been spotting for a while after her last.Both of my sisters are in their early 40s, they said didn't feel any side effects after their first and second Moderna shots
So my wife is having issues with her period after taking the Pfizer. It came earlier and she been spotting for a while after her last.
I was hoping some of the Coli women would talk about it, but I understand why they wouldn’t. Apparently women been having issues with their menstration cycle.
just got my second shot an hour ago, waiting to see whats what this time around.