I don’t want the hindsight opinion or viewpoint, plenty of people say they regret it now. I’m speaking strictly about 1994. How did the majority of African Americans view bill when it first passed?
I don’t want the hindsight opinion or viewpoint, plenty of people say they regret it now. I’m speaking strictly about 1994. How did the majority of African Americans view bill when it first passed?
Crime spiked when the crack era began........violent crime and murder rates probably peaked when the bill was passed. I ask this question whenever the topic comes up. Outside of innocent people getting railroaded on fake charges, what problem do people have with tough on crime measures? Streets were killing fields at one point in different cities across the country. Was the govt. just supposed to allow the violence to continue?
U sure about this ?most people had no clue about the details in the crime bill, there was no independent black analysis done