On the real, one of the quickest way to point em out is the fact that they're very pretentious in nature, and seem to jump at the opportunity to flex their "intellectual muscle", even answering questions no one asked. Then, once challenged and/or proven wrong, it starts out a debate, then pretty much ends up being an fight for the last word, complete with the adult equivalent of "LALALALALALALA I CAN'T HEAR YOUUUU, YOU'RE AN IDIOT, I'M RIGHT AND YOU'RE WRONG DUMBASS!" <-----that is a pseudo-intellectual self destructing. Alot of them also tend to try and push their opinions on others as facts, and when the other party disagrees and/or the pseudo-intellectual cannot comprehend their stance on the issue, they get frustrated and resort to name calling like dude mentioned earlier. People who act like this usually get their mentality from spending a lot of time around yes men and people who see through the bullshyt, but don't wanna bother wasting time arguing with those types.
As stated earlier..... *see any Art Barr post*