And we are BACK with another Jay Smith video.
THE MOST hated man in these threads
But in all seriousness, this video isn’t him talking and it is a GOOD quick breakdown of an alternative THEORY of how the early Quran formed
Posting in this sub forum so mods please don’t delete.
It’s about searching for knowledge. Not everyone will understand this topic or even care to respond. But for those FEW interested @MMS @Koichos here we go.
First, let me breakdown what’s in the video and MY understanding of what it says very simply.
This is my personal perspective.
Since I’ve watched a few videos on this topic which AGREE with the video above and go deeper into more detail on the Quran origins, I’ll summarize for those who might be lost
Or have a short attention span
This is just historical fact. Don’t NEG me gheez
And the WRITTEN Quranic Arabic script we have today didn’t exist either but that’s another story
AROUND THE 7th century (and maybe even earlier) there existed a sect of messianic & apocalyptic Jewish people. (Could they be Arab Sadducees?)
They were opportunistic and I guess saw an opportunity with the growing number of “Arab” or middle eastern Jews/christians
They perhaps wanted to start their own “last days” movement or maybe they just saw the “writing on the wall” and thought the time is right to unite.
Maybe they heard teachings of Muhammad or subscribed to the whole Ishmaelite/Hagarite ideology/ arab imperialist separatist movement
Regardless, at some point they got the idea to bring upon the “apocalypse” as prophesied in the New Testament
These Christian Jews wanted to bring upon the “end of days” and Jesus return. (Mind you Jesus was supposed to be back going on a few hundred years)
They had an idea to USE Arabs (who I guess were already coming into power and conquering empires) and their military power to regain Jerusalem/the Temple Mount FOR THEM so they could rebuild the temple, begin sacrifices and jumpstart the Jewish religion again.
All in hopes to bring back Jesus and the Jewish kingdom and rule the world etc…..
BUT first they had to win over Arab support and CONVERT them to Judaism/Christianity
Maybe this was already going on for decades but nonetheless the idea was to be MISSIONARIES to the Arabs
So they took the KITAB (Torah and Gospel or injeel) and made a lectionary (RECITATION) from it in Syriac Aramaic/ARABIC which included all the major Old Testament stories and teaching of Jesus for the purpose of TEACHING the ARABS.
^ THIS is the ARABIC Quran (RECITATION) which wasn’t WRITTEN yet (Arabs mostly werent even literate) but instead it was preached/performed or just told for MEMORIZING and RECITING.
Keep in mind the definition of Quran is:
word qurʾān, which occurs already within the Islamic scripture itself (e.g., 9:111 and 75:17–18), is derived from the verb qaraʾa—“to read,” “to recite”
The only thing WRITTEN at this time was the KITAB (Torah/Gospels) but it wasn’t in ARABIC from my understanding Arabic script didn’t exist formally yet.
And like I said most Arabs lacked education
But the JEWS & CHRISTIANS had their religious books in their LANGUAGES at the time which ARAB warriors and nomads couldn’t understand.
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