How the islamic slave trade and arabisation of black lands destroyed Africa by Mukasa Afrika Ma'at


Jun 4, 2012
Islamic expansion is a major reason why Ethiopia never became a world power today. We had axum, which was considered 1 of the four great civilisations at the time(the others were Persia, Rome, India). We were making money, controlling cac lands(Yemen, Saudi Arabia, parts of lower Egypt) and we controlled the Red Sea and international trade in the arab peninsula. We became rich and our navy was considered one of the best in the ancient world. Axumites were even reading Greek philosophy. When all the arab tribes united under the banner of Islam, they pretty much isolated axum from the international markets and destroyed our Arabian outposts. The people who became the abyssinians would eventually retreat into the ethiopian highlands, severing contact with the western world for hundreds of years. The painful irony is, it was the axumites or proto abyssinians who saved Islam by allowing the prophet to seek refuge in Ethiopian lands(which included southern Arabia at the time).:snoop:. Who knows what ethiopian could be today if we still had contact with western civilisation and continued our cultural and technological exchange. :mindblown:We could have been a black superpower :lupe::sadbron:

I don't feel that not working with more white people in the West is the reason its not a super power.

They are currently the number one favorite African nation for Western imperialism and destructive assistance.... The nation was great when it wasn't a c00n nation that the West loves. And as the pet of the West -- -it's still a good nation, but not great.

They were great when they were cool with the Sudanic Kingdoms........... the sudanic areas were sometimes muslim. We know of ancient Ethiopia because brehs in Egypt wrote so much about Ethiopia punt.......... and ancient Egypt was a branch of the Sudan.

I think one of the reasons Ethiopia was weak at certain points was not being unified and in fighting. Look at how Eritrea was done.


Jun 4, 2012
the phrase 'Islamic slavery' is misleading even though slavery existed in many Muslim cultures you don't hear Atlantic slave trade branded 'christian slave trade'....jut putting that out there.

They don't care about slavery. They don't care about their own ancestors. They just want to diss islam for whatever reason.

No serious historian says the slave trade was a result of Islam. Both slave trades were white people taking black people for wealth and power. The slave routes of the so called islamic slave trade pre existed Muhammad and Muhammad supposedly invented Islam in the first place:skip:

any random religious association is dishonest. :stopitslime::stopitslime::stopitslime: The only reason Christianity is associated with the Atlantic slavery is because - the Slaves were permitted from practicing Islam or any African religion and were forced to practice a white Version of Church that Black people in the Americas still do today. But the concept of Christianity isn't bad .


Jun 4, 2012
A country to be discussed is Sudan. It is geographically the largest country in Afrika, nearly, 100,000 square miles, with a sizeable population almost equal to the entire number of Afrikan Americans. The Afrikans such as the Dinka, Nuer, Nuba, and other ethnic groups make up the majority. The country is split in half: the predominantly Arab north, and the free Afrikans in the south. The capital is Khartoum, which is the seat of the Islamic-Arab government, and one of many places of slave trading in the country. The Khartoum government is supported by various Arab governments, among those are Iran, Libya, and Saudi Arabia. In Khartoum, a human being may be sold for a few dollars. The Islamic government has been very direct in its policy of jihad (or holy war) against non-believers. Still today, the religion has been a justification, a means for the purpose of Arab supremacy and control over the lands of the south and into the rest of Afrika. Sheik Hassan El Turabi, once co-dictator of Sudan, was called “the real power and architect of Islamic Fundamentalism or Revivalism in North Sudan.” Journalist Samuel Cotton quotes him as saying:

Black Africa is Virgin land… fertile, ripe for the Islamic seed. In Africa, Islam’s roots will go deep and become sturdy quickly. There is much to tap and little to compete with. What is there in Africa but tribalism? We want to plant civilization in southern Sudan and beyond. They need one (Daily Challenge, “Blood, Shackles and the Koran,” 1995).

With the Arab conquest of Egypt, the campaign spread into Sudan, the country directly below and bordering Egypt. This began the systematic movement of these people from their homeland. Those not exiled were enslaved, the men were castrated or killed. The women were captured and divided among the Arab men. We must understand the role race plays here. Many of these so-called Arabs are a product of this forced mixed breeding, but they are in denial about their Afrikan ancestry and hostile towards the Afrikan people. Islam, like Christianity and Judaism (in Israel and Palestine), is misused as a tool of war, enslavement, and oppression.
Samuel Cotton’s book, Silent Terror, is a must read on the subject of Afrikan enslavement in the Arab world. In 1995, the journalist Samuel Cotton wrote a series of articles that ran in the Daily Challenge entitled “Blood, Shackles and the Koran: Slavery in Sudan Today.” A 1995 February issue of The City Sun in New York featured Cotton’s research on the front page with the title “Arab Masters, Black Slaves.” The City Sun ran several articles by Cotton on Afrikan enslavement in Mauritania. Cotton eyewitnessed this slavery in humans in the Sudan and Mauritania. Young girls were taken as sex slaves for “indolent rulers and rich men in North Africa, the Near East and Sudan.” The young boys were prized as castrated slaves (eunuchs) who would protect the houses where the female sex slaves were kept known as harems. Arabs and Europeans had historically enslaved their women. What would they care about Afrikan women?
Cotton describes the Sahara crossing like the Middle Passage. Millions died crossing the sands on the way to be sold as slaves in the Muslim world. It was a long journey of exhaustion, thirst, hunger, beatings, and torture. Due to high mortality rates, castrations, the large number of women enslaved in harems in North Afrika and the Middle East, there are fewer Afrikan descendants than in the western hemisphere where men were mostly enslaved.
“Thus, despite the fact that even more vast millions of slaves were taken from Africa to the Islamic Countries… over the centuries…” says Cotton, “there is no such Black population surviving in these Islamic nations today,” as in the Americas where slave breeding was a systematic program. A grim testament to the Arab slave trade in Afrikans was noted by a 1950s traveler who said if a stranger did not know his route out of the desert, all he had to do was follow the endless stream of the remains of human skeletons of those who died en route to become slaves.
Commenting on the tradition of draining Afrika of people to enslave, Samuel Cotton mentions:

Large harems were maintained at the court in Persia during the reign of the Safavids in the 17th century and Khadjars in the 19th century. Europeans who traveled to Persia in the 17th century noted there were as many as 3,000 eunuchs in the service of the court, an indication of how great were the harems. The Caliph al-Amin …it is said, collected them in large numbers…
An Arabic description of the court of the caliph in Baghdad at the beginning of the 10th century speaks of 7,000 [Afrikan eunuchs]… This required an unending stream of desexed boys who walked or transported by boat or caravan from Africa.
With the increase in the number of harems the need for eunuchs grew. In Egypt, where eunuchs were kept by the ruling family of Mohammed Ali [of whom it is said he had 500 concubines] and rich Turks, they [the eunuchs] brought a great price in slave markets of Cairo and Alexandria. Eunuchs could be sold anywhere from twice to ten times the price of ordinary Black boys.

Another reason “an unending stream” of kidnapped and castrated boys were required to feed the demand was because the survival rate after castration was about 10%. This rate does not count suicide, murder, and those who went insane, as many did.
A point should be made about slavery today in Sudan. As with slavery anywhere, there is strong resistance to it. In particular, the Sudanese People Liberation Movement Army (SPLM/A), mostly of the Dinka people, but also other Afrikans in Sudan have led the resistance. The SPLM/A have fought Sudan’s National Islamic Front (NIF) who gets support from various Arab-Islamic governments. It is the NIF who wages war and makes raids on the lands of the people. The war in Sudan has cost the lives of several million Afrikans in recent decades, and if the SPLM/A was not in existence many more Afrikans of Southern Sudan would likely have been killed off or enslaved. The war is over resources, power, and religion. The Arab government wants shari’a to be instituted and the thorough Arabization or enslavement of the country, and the exploitation of all valuable resources, primarily oil in Southern Sudan. This is the motive behind the murder of John Garang de Mabior. This is the reason behind the assault on Darfur’s Afrikan population. The Afrikans of Sudan are resilient and steadfast in the fight to protect and preserve what is left of their land and culture. They are among the most courageous people in the world today. Southern Sudan, where they live, is predominately Afrikan Spiritual. There is a small percentage of Christians, but even many of them are dual religious. They are like many Afrikans in Afrika who practice and live Afrikan Spirituality and a blend of another religion. At the core they are Afrikan Spiritual, but such syncretism in Afrika or the Americas threatens the Afrikan worldview. The battle has many fronts.

Nubians and Arabs dealt in trade ( including slavery) and culture transfers long before the rise of Islam. You probably don't really care about black Muslims or Africans.............. but just so you know there are military groups fighting against the muslim whites who are coming to enslave africans for economic gain.

Nubians were Christianized FIRST . They practiced ancient african religions before that......... but conquers usually didn't allow for that. under Islam were sudanese allowed to also practice african religions.......... and today is one of the FEW areas in the world that still practice ancient african religions along with islam.

i practice both ancient african and islam, so i know what i'm talking about. :stopitslime:

One reason for decline of the area is that once Egypt became powerful....... some Sudanese tribes linked up with them as independent soldiers instead of fighting for sudan.......... tribalism.


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
thats a concept........

you can't save that.

I asked who ? because black people are who I'm :cape: for. The black people who all don't care about.

yeah you can save a concept, everytime somebody attacks islam on the board you are there defending it


so this were u dudes went
May 9, 2012
300 murders a year
those "arabs" were just descendants of persians, turks and greco romans. Basically they white boys from the Caucasus mountains who invaded the levant like the rest of them

The 2 misleading things of the 20th century and beyond is making arab and Jew a race and not what it is, a language or the people who speak the Arabic language and those who choose Judaism as a religion.

Regardless the system of written and unwritten rules of white supremacy continue to plague us here as well as over there and anywhere the black/white dynamic Co exist.


You're minor, we're major
May 1, 2012
Arab slave trade was the worst of all the slave trades.

everyone knows that.

By the way they are still enslaving black people today

The victims of the Arab slave trade equals the estimated number of victims in the European slave trade.

Add in the fact that european christians also fukked up shyt in EVERY part of the world, including the biggest genocide ever. Difference is no one here has ever caped for the arab slave trade, it was a fukked up situation all around and one of the biggest crimes in history.

You on the other hand go out your way to cape for european slavery and colonization because it involves your white masters :mjpls:


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
Why not defend it?

and my opinion on a bunch of shyt is different than the group think, so what?

you can defend it all you want, i believe in intellectual freedom, im just :mjlol: at your attempts to defend it

i think islam is a garbage, backwards religion so i dont see any need to defend it


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
those "arabs" were just descendants of persians, turks and greco romans. Basically they white boys from the Caucasus mountains who invaded the levant like the rest of them

The 2 misleading things of the 20th century and beyond is making arab and Jew a race and not what it is, a language or the people who speak the Arabic language and those who choose Judaism as a religion.

Regardless the system of written and unwritten rules of white supremacy continue to plague us here as well as over there and anywhere the black/white dynamic Co exist.

what difference does it make where the "arabs" came from?

the overall point is that the notion of the islamic world being an alternative to the white european has been shown to be bullshyt


Jun 4, 2012
you can defend it all you want, i believe in intellectual freedom, im just :mjlol: at your attempts to defend it

i think islam is a garbage, backwards religion so i dont see any need to defend it

my people invented the culture so it might been selloutish to not defend it.........