Disgusting thread.. How you gonna hate on the gawds of this movie review sh*t

If it wasn't for Ebert banging Oprah, her career wouldn't exist.
Fun fact.
Good thing the women withheld the p*ssy from them so they could come together for those reviewsThey had a hardcore rivalry in Chiraq, while working for different papers, if I remember, so seeing them together on the old local show was cool. If they agreed on a movie, it was dope.
Shut up boy.
I actually agree with the Jurassic park review. They said the human characters were underdeveloped.
They were from a time when studios didn't pay critics to give their movies "thumbs up" "10/10" etc.
They really put thought into their movie review.
Yeah Ebert was dating Oprah, he was the one who told her about syndication and doing that with her show.