This is why I hate the way mental health is not a priority in our community
We joke about it. Growing up we would clown kids and call them a "sped", but in reality as children we didnt understand that all because someone physically looks normal and can talk to you it doesnt mean they are "ok".
Anyone who went to a "hood school" had them kids who would just always be wilding out and we would just be on some "'man ol boy crazy
Not realizing you got kids with legit mental illness ON TOP of living and poverty and literally living in hell.
Like people dont get that black children who grow up in lower income enviornments and make it out are argubly geniuses being that they were able to navigate out these systems that are literally set up to destroy them and with no real help.
Hell I always said I probably would have went to an ivy league school if i actually was in a system that could have maximized my skills as a kid.
Black kids cant even get help from their parents because they literally have to work all the time to keep the lights on.
I still remember the "college fair" at my HS school and the only people thag came was military recruiters and the community college down the street
Hell people were shocked I choose to NOT play sports in college because I was able to go to school for free because of my grades.
Like its easy to sh*t on black people especially black males but I really dont think the avg person understand from literal birth we are told we aint gonna be sh*t, so its almost like how can you be surprised when people start thinking its their destiny to fail thus they get on the whole "i dont give a f" mentality because we are literally being conditioned to not give a F.