How on earth is "Man of Steel" considered a bad movie???


All Star
Jul 17, 2012
This is coming from the Logan thread earlier.

I consider myself somewhat of a movie snob, and I definitely have trouble watching the same film twice unless it's just that incredible.

That being said, it took me a long time to watch MOS, because the reviews and internet comments were so bad.

Was this some type of Marvel hacking technique with bot commenting or am I lacking taste, because when I finally saw the movie I thought it was dope as hell - I mean, watching some of the fight scenes on YouTube today just solidified that MOS wasn't just really good, but one of the best superhero films l had ever seen, and haters were just consigning consigners.

But please, tell me what I'm missing!??


All Star
Jul 17, 2012
You lost me at Marvel spam bots but the movie was just garbage.

And before someone starts talking about the characterization of Supes, the movie's many issues run much deeper than that.
What issues am I missing?

I mean the only funny thing I see is that they destroyed too many buildings.

Please, school me.


I didn't eat nobody
May 17, 2012
This is coming from the Logan thread earlier.

I consider myself somewhat of a movie snob, and I definitely have trouble watching the same film twice unless it's just that incredible.

That being said, it took me a long time to watch MOS, because the reviews and internet comments were so bad.

Was this some type of Marvel hacking technique with bot commenting or am I lacking taste, because when I finally saw the movie I thought it was dope as hell - I mean, watching some of the fight scenes on YouTube today just solidified that MOS wasn't just really good, but one of the best superhero films l had ever seen, and haters were just consigning consigners.

But please, tell me what I'm missing!??

Like I said in the other thread, it's not a a bad movie. It's watchable and you can follow the plot well enough.

With that said there are some things in that movie that are downright fukking stupid for a film that's premise is very much "What if Superman existed in the real world".

Pa Kent takes that Kyptonian key to a college professor, is told by said professor that the metal is unlike anything else on earth, and Pa Kent is allowed to take said key back home without raising ANY suspicion whatsoever.

Pa Ken unnecessarily going back to save that fukking dog just in order to facilitate his sacrifice.

The US military not knowing who Superman is or where he's from despite Zod showing up at his moms house, fighting in Smallville, multiple people in Smallville knowing who Superman is and showing they were willing to tell other people, and of course the fact that the U.S. Military picked up Clark's ship from his moms farm :snoop:

Clark being able to destroy that drunk douche bags truck outside the bar without ANYBODY noticing or hearing it.

Lois Lane being immune to the gravity effects of the terra forming machine.

There's more but I haven't seen the movie in a minute....Notice that none of these are "Not my Superman" complaints, they're just dumb fukking scenes and plot holes in the movie.


Oct 29, 2012
This is coming from the Logan thread earlier.

I consider myself somewhat of a movie snob, and I definitely have trouble watching the same film twice unless it's just that incredible.

That being said, it took me a long time to watch MOS, because the reviews and internet comments were so bad.

Was this some type of Marvel hacking technique with bot commenting or am I lacking taste, because when I finally saw the movie I thought it was dope as hell - I mean, watching some of the fight scenes on YouTube today just solidified that MOS wasn't just really good, but one of the best superhero films l had ever seen, and haters were just consigning consigners.

But please, tell me what I'm missing!??
So good action scenes = good movie? :jbhmm:

Sensitive Christian Grey

The Fisher King
Nov 17, 2016
Welsh Hills
Like I said in the other thread, it's not a a bad movie. It's watchable and you can follow the plot well enough.

With that said there are some things in that movie that are downright fukking stupid for a film that's premise is very much "What if Superman existed in the real world".

Pa Kent takes that Kyptonian key to a college professor, is told by said professor that the metal is unlike anything else on earth, and Pa Kent is allowed to take said key back home without raising ANY suspicion whatsoever.

Pa Ken unnecessarily going back to save that fukking dog just in order to facilitate his sacrifice.

The US military not knowing who Superman is or where he's from despite Zod showing up at his moms house, fighting in Smallville, multiple people in Smallville knowing who Superman is and showing they were willing to tell other people, and of course the fact that the U.S. Military picked up Clark's ship from his moms farm :snoop:

Clark being able to destroy that drunk douche bags truck outside the bar without ANYBODY noticing or hearing it.

Lois Lane being immune to the gravity effects of the terra forming machine.

There's more but I haven't seen the movie in a minute....Notice that none of these are "Not my Superman" complaints, they're just dumb fukking scenes and plot holes in the movie.

I remember watching this video on that actually, the dude's reasoning seems plausible to me.
Now you can clown the idea of ManofSteelAnswers if you want, I'm just saying there's a rebuttal to this argument :yeshrug:


Bryan Danielson

Jmare007 x Bryan Danielson x JLova = King Ghidorah
May 16, 2012
#We Are The Flash #DOOMSET #LukeCageSet #NEWLWO
It wasnt a bad movie... matter fact its probably the overall best movie of that Universe so far.

One of the main issues is just the character in itself. Like you would think most cases you would like the titled character.

Like people can shyt on Spiderman all they want but most peopled loved Tobey portrayal and later Andy's, even thus far liking the new kid.

People can shyt on past Wolverine movies but they loved Hugh's portrayal.

People can shyt on Thor but no one hate Chris Helms..... see the pattern?

One major problem is no one is really connecting with both this actor playing Superman and this portrayal and you atleast have to have that before we start looking deeper at other shyt.

If your hero and leading actor aint gonna be charismatic enough to hold the movie down and carry everyone ala RDJ or Depp in Pirates, atleast have a villain that can outshine that hero and this movie didnt have that either.



I didn't eat nobody
May 17, 2012
I remember watching this video on that actually, the dude's reasoning seems plausible to me.
Now you can clown the idea of ManofSteelAnswers if you want, I'm just saying there's a rebuttal to this argument :yeshrug:

:dead: I swear the fukking reaches people make to defend this and BvS.

I'm supposed to believe that the same people that couldn't even bother crafting a story where the U.S. Military doesn't look like fukking morons for not knowing who Superman is took the time craft some scientifically based reasoning as to why Lois wasn't affected by the terra forming machine? :stopitslime:

People keep trying to add depth to these Snyder films that isn't actually there. Even when Snyder himself says he didn't care about some shyt fans try to add extra layers to it and make it seem as if it's all some elaborate plan they had from the beginning. :mjlol:


Dec 14, 2015
I'll copy my post from another thread, this is why the movie is trash.

- Zero humor in the movie, and when they attempted a funny line, it fell flat and was horribly out of place.
- Characters were written terribly, especially ones like Perry and the other Daily Planet people.
- First 50-60 minutes were so boring and bland until he got the suit on.
- Krypton parts were okay but tried to be epic and came off as forced and cringey.
- CGI is awful, way too overdone and looks horribly cartooney for the most part.
- Action was over the top and bland, just people smashing into things and no one even getting a messed up haircut.
- Zod and Superman practically nuking each other and they're not even scratched, and people wonder why Superman is boring?
- Flashbacks were boring and his Dad's death was funny more than anything.
- Story was incredibly basic and failed to hold my interest.
- Script was terribly written, Goyer is a hack without Nolan.
- Cavill was so wooden, not sure whether it was the writing or the acting but fukking Terminator had more emotion/personality than this guy.
- I love Zimmer da GAWD but his score here wasn't very good, well it was a good score, but didn't suit this movie imo.
- Movie is so fukking colorless, like there is zero color. Compare Dark Knight to this and there is just no color, just bland.

Obviously many of those are opinion, and most MCU movies are bad as well, but MOS was just ass :francis:


I didn't eat nobody
May 17, 2012
It wasnt a bad movie... matter fact its probably the overall best movie of that Universe so far.

One of the main issues is just the character in itself. Like you would think most cases you would like the titled character.

Like people can shyt on Spiderman all they want but most peopled loved Tobey portrayal and later Andy's, even thus far liking the new kid.

People can shyt on past Wolverine movies but they loved Hugh's portrayal.

People can shyt on Thor but no one hate Chris Helms..... see the pattern?

One major problem is no one is really connecting with both this actor playing Superman and this portrayal and you atleast have to have that before we start looking deeper at other shyt.

If your hero and leading actor aint gonna be charismatic enough to hold the movie down and carry everyone ala RDJ or Depp in Pirates, atleast have a villain that can outshine that hero and this movie didnt have that either.


I still think Cavill could be a great Superman, but they never give him shyt to work with.

Superman is a non character in both Man of Steel and BvS. So much of those movies is just about how the rest of the world reacts to Superman and him being "Alien like" as if he wasn't raised by two earthlings on a farm in Kansas.