Story as old as time. Women like bad boys for sex and fun. They like good guys for stability once they’re too old to be in the streets
If the nice guys are attractive, that’s not the case.
The sooner y’all accept it, the better you’ll feel. Put effort into your looks. Just because someone is attractive, doesn’t mean they’re toxic.
Relationships require physical contact. Do you want to be physical with someone you aren’t attracted to?
Are you dating this woman because she’s nice?
How do you expect a woman to really throw it down in the bedroom, if she doesn’t find you attractive? No relationship is perfect 24/7. Everything they do to annoy you will be magnified if they don’t find you attractive, and vice versa. Y’all know how black women go to bed. You’re going to be turned off by that scarf, and bonnet if that face card isn’t working.
Women LITERALLY telling ya what it is and you like no you like me, my behavior dont make me shrekIf the nice guys are attractive, that’s not the case.
The sooner y’all accept it, the better you’ll feel. Put effort into your looks. Just because someone is attractive, doesn’t mean they’re toxic.
Relationships require physical contact. Do you want to be physical with someone you aren’t attracted to?
Are you dating this woman because she’s nice?
How do you expect a woman to really throw it down in the bedroom, if she doesn’t find you attractive? No relationship is perfect 24/7. Everything they do to annoy you will be magnified if they don’t find you attractive, and vice versa. Y’all know how black women go to bed. You’re going to be turned off by that scarf, and bonnet if that face card isn’t working.
“Girls possess a range of traits, like rebelliousness,” explains Robyn McKay, Ph.D., psychologist and co-author of Smart Girls in the 21st Century. “These traits are typically repressed during childhood, as females are socialized to be compliant and agreeable. If a girl's inner life is unexpressed, she may be drawn to a bad boy as a way of vicariously expressing her own inner rebel.”
Basically, “We’re attracted to qualities in others that we ourselves wish we had,” says sociologist and clinical sexologist Sarah Melancon, Ph.D. “A ‘good girl’ may admire the bad boy’s sense of freedom. Despite the fact that this quality makes him an unsuitable partner for the long-term, it can make him so attractive, it's seemingly worth the potential pain associated.”
Y’all swear the only black men who get attention are thugs, and they simply isn’t true.This ain't a cut in dry thing.
Women don't look at being "good looking" the way a man does.
We look at titties, ass, pretty face etc.
Chix might go as far as height.
But The rest of it is just What she thinks about the nikka which makes him attractive...
You'll see alot of nice, corny, but well built, and good looking brothas NOT get the same love as a skinny, tatted up, ugly face nikka with dreads... Portraying a street nikka
You see In the OP, dude don't really like look Shrek. That's just how she thinks of him
I’ve always been nice, but not soft and a pushover. I don’t dog women out or mistreat them. I’ve never had problems with women. Even before I met my wife, you never saw me on here complaining about women. I guess it’s because I look good, I dress nice, I always smell good, and keep up with my haircuts.Women LITERALLY telling ya what it is and you like no you like me, my behavior dont make me shrek
Fundamentally/instinctively being "nice" is unattractive, I think ALOT of brehs dont understand that part.. They literally spelling it out for ya and you still like nooooo you like me..
I dont know how many ways women gotta spell it out, you can put effort in your looks but you better tighten up your behavior also, dont treat some one like a star, they will treat you like a fan.
Psychologists Say That Converting a Bad Boy Into a Nice Guy Is a "Generally Impossible Situation"
Why can't we quit the guys that are so wrong for us?
Not as much as people think IMO. Same thing with finance. nikkas be talking this high value man stuff but I know dudes who look like a mix between Flavor Flav and Kodak Black with no job laid up in some dime career(nurses/attorneys/project manager/etc) woman house playing video games all day. I also know white collar nikkas with good jobs and decent looks who dikk DRRRRRRRRRRRRYYYYYYYYYYYYY as can be man.LOOKS MATTER
nikka you don't have to put effort into you looks to get women. I've seen dudes that stank, looked weird, couldn't dress, etc that got women. I think if you're man you just have to gauge a woman attraction level. The more she's naturally and genuienly attracted you the less you have to do from my experience.The sooner y’all accept it, the better you’ll feel. Put effort into your looks. Just because someone is attractive, doesn’t mean they’re toxic.
The woman in this picture looks fine to me. If she was born with a vagina, and doesn't have kids with another dude, soft spoken and can hold a decent convo I would date her and see where it goes. She rocking her natural hair too that's a plus.Relationships require physical contact. Do you want to be physical with someone you aren’t attracted to?
Are you dating this woman because she’s nice?