How many of you Navy Brehs have crossed the line............ ***Pause***

Charlie Hustle

Light Bringer
Dec 4, 2015
Sin City
The line-crossing ceremony is an initiation rite that commemorates a person's first crossing of the Equator. The tradition may have originated with ceremonies when passing headlands, and become a "folly" sanctioned as a boost to morale, or have been created as a test for seasoned sailors to ensure their new shipmates were capable of handling long, rough voyages. Equator-crossing ceremonies, typically featuring King Neptune, are common in the Navy and are also sometimes carried out for passengers' entertainment on civilian ocean liners and cruise ships. They are also performed in the merchant navy and aboard sail training ships.

The U.S. Navy and U.S. Coast Guard have well-established line-crossing rituals. Sailors who have already crossed the Equator are nicknamed Shellbacks, Trusty Shellbacks, Honorable Shellbacks, or Sons of Neptune. Those who have not crossed are nicknamed Pollywogs, or Slimy Pollywogs, or sometimes simply Slimy Wogs.

The two-day event (evening and day) is a ritual in which previously inducted crew members (Trusty Shellbacks) are organized into a "Court of Neptune" and induct the Slimy Pollywogs into "the mysteries of the Deep" :dame: .

Physical hardship, in keeping with the spirit of the initiation, is tolerated, and each Pollywog is expected to endure a standard initiation rite in order to become a Shellback.[13] Depending on the Ocean or Fleet AOR, there can be variations in the rite. Some rites have discussed a role reversal as follows, but this is not always a normal feature, and may be dependent on whether a small number of Shellbacks exist to conduct the initiation.

The transition flows from established order to the "controlled chaos" of the Pollywog Revolt, the beginnings of re-order in the initiation rite as the fewer but experienced enlisted crew converts the Wogs through physical tests, then back to, and thereby affirming, the pre-established order of officers and enlisted.

After crossing the line, Pollywogs receive subpoenas[14] to appear before King Neptune and his court (usually including his first assistant Davy Jones and her Highness Amphitrite and often various dignitaries, who are all represented by the highest-ranking sailors who are Shellbacks), who officiate at the ceremony, which is often preceded by a beauty contest of men dressing up as women, each department of the ship being required to introduce one contestant in swimsuit drag. Afterwards, some may be "interrogated" by King Neptune and his entourage, and the use of "truth serum" (hot sauce + after shave) and whole uncooked eggs put in the mouth. During the ceremony, the Pollywogs undergo a number of increasingly embarrassing ordeals (wearing clothing inside out and backwards; crawling on hands and knees on nonskid-coated decks; being swatted with short lengths of firehose; being locked in stocks & pillories and pelted with mushy fruit; being locked in a water coffin of salt-water and bright green sea dye [fluorescent sodium salt]; crawling through chutes or large tubs of rotting garbage; kissing the Royal Baby's belly coated with axle grease, hair chopping, etc.), largely for the entertainment of the Shellbacks.


In One Man’s War: Robert H Allison’s Life in the US Navy, we read more:

This initiation was the process of a “Pollywog” becoming a “Shellback”…
First you were forced to lie down on your stomach in a gutter of salt water and endure a… strapping across the butt with strips of canvas about two feet long soaked in salt water. From there, you were herded into the royal court where you were obligated to kneel before the “Royal Bar”, a metal rod that you had to grip with both hands and received a jolt of electricity that shook our eye teeth. Next, we had bow to King Neptune and his queen and then kiss the big fat belly of a big fat chief dressed in a diaper. This slob was the “Royal Baby”.


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May 17, 2012
@Charlie Hustle

Nah this is beyond strange. Outright demonic. Sodom and Gomorrah got incinerated for sh1t like this. Op, I will pay u a visit within the week. We need to get to the bottom of why u felt the need to find and post this abomination. Is the closet getting too tight? Or is it too roomy and you shopping for gay roommates? Were you molested? Cuz if you are I can connect you to some people. First, we’ll get u to the police station to tell them what happened. Then…actually. Let’s take this slow. You are clearly traumatized. After you give your report at the station, I’ll send someone to pick u up. Stand strong :salute:

Charlie Hustle

Light Bringer
Dec 4, 2015
Sin City
@Charlie Hustle

Nah this is beyond strange. Outright demonic. Sodom and Gomorrah got incinerated for sh1t like this. Op, I will pay u a visit within the week. We need to get to the bottom of why u felt the need to find and post this abomination. Is the closet getting too tight? Or is it too roomy and you shopping for gay roommates? Were you molested? Cuz if you are I can connect you to some people. First, we’ll get u to the police station to tell them what happened. Then…actually. Let’s take this slow. You are clearly traumatized. After you give your report at the station, I’ll send someone to pick u up. Stand strong :salute:

You’re trying to hard bruh :mjlol:

I’m a military contractor and I was in the Army. 90% of the project management team I work with are prior military and we work in a open office setting.

We got on the subject of military traditions and hazing and this old retired navy cac told us about the Navy’s “crossing the equator ceremony” He conveniently left out brehs dressing like women but he did mention sailors having to kiss the greasy belly of the fattest senior person on the ship. So I pulled up pictures of this ceremony and we roasted him.

I know we have a lot of Navy brehs on the coli so I decided to put this information out there for situational awareness :sas1:

Different branches talk trash about each other but its all in good nature.
And why the hell are you trying to pay @anotherman a visit to get to the bottom of anything :dame:
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Jul 21, 2012
Escondido California
Ya'll attach gay shyt to everything. I have my certification decree as an "official shellback". I questioned none of the shyt. Looking back that was some fun times. Being in the military is a brotherhood thing you wanna be trusted, and not outcasted, and labeled as a shyt bird. You do what the others who came before you did and what others who come after you will also do. It is what it is. Some of the white boys take the "gay games" too far I'll admit, but by and large the brothers was never with that shyt and they don't even try us. But as far as the subject at hand it's a thing and a huge tradition so you get in where you fit in.