How many of y'all moved on from hip hop and into electronic music?


Oct 21, 2014
i've noticed this is a common thing, especially for many black people.
I used to listen to lots of underground hip hop for years, up until about 5 years ago when i slowly started listening to more electronic music. After some time, hip hop was out of my catalogue besides all of the older tracks i used to listen to, which still didn't get play compared to the new electronic songs i found. I stopped going to hip hop concerts and started seeing electronic artists.

These are the reasons why I think i switched:

1. The more time went on, the more i had to rigorously dig to find quality hip-hop. It's rewarding for sure, but the sheer amount of negativity and crap you'd have to wade through could get old really quick. Many genres are like this where you'd have to find good stuff, but with hip-hop, i was more possessive due to the cultural connection and i hated seeing it ruined by whack and violent for no reason rappers with no substance that the masses ate right up. I got tired of it which led me craving something else.

2. Electronic music was "new" to me. a new world, a new sound. I had so much more to discover and the iceberg hasn't even been touched yet.

3. Dance music makes it easy I could dance to hip hop, but not the same way i can dance (and workout) to dance music. doing cardio to the same high BPM kept me physically accountable to not slack in the gym.

4. THE SCENE. There is just undoubtedly more love in the EDM scene than in the hip hop scene. It got to the point where i refuse to even go to hip hop concerts because besides the music, the best thing about going to concerts was actin a fool and meeting random people. That same energy is NOT given off at most hip hop concerts. You might find it from a few individuals, but it's not common overall. Genuine hugs and connections, love from strangers, sharing each others belongings and a sense of community and looking out for each other.....this is what hip hop SHOULD be.

5. music production is the focus instead of the lyrics which opened up a whole new world for me to understand as well. I eventually took up music production and there is sooooo much to learn compared to in hip-hop where the techniques are limited comparably to EDM production. It was another learning opportunity where i saw nothing but possibilities.

I don't want to make it seem like i'm shytting on hip-hop, because i've been listening to it most of my life, but i see many people here and in life feel the same way and have been through this same transition. Who else went through this and what made you change?

Seoul Gleou

Feb 11, 2017
not EDM but my hip hop/rap consumption is mostly from the UK now.

im listening to old music more. Sade has been playing for the past week and it's so nice to hear a woman sing without it being about sucking me off or how great her p*ssy is


Oct 21, 2014
not EDM but my hip hop/rap consumption is mostly from the UK now.

im listening to old music more. Sade has been playing for the past week and it's so nice to hear a woman sing without it being about sucking me off or how great her p*ssy is
most definitely better to listen to other countries as well. good point. I'd definitely prefer it over american hip hop.
i also went into older music as well and started sampling it into my own production. feels great.


Oct 21, 2014
I'm one of them, only check for legacy hip hop acts these days like Nas, Lloyd Banks, etc.

This is my favorite song out right now...

Sampled a 90s classic :banderas:

what's your story though breh? when/why/how did you get into electronic music?