Just joined the PC Master race. Loadout is piff!![]()
Breh's I gotta tell you. I kind of regret purchasing my ps4 so early. This is the first Gen where I can honestly say that it's kind of dry out there for games. Something is just not the same. Perhaps I'm getting older, the graphics aren't that much better, or just still too earlier in the gen. I can't speak for anyone else but I'm still playing last gen shyt more. Ps Plus has been good to a nikka so I've been running Bioshock Infinite. I'll wait for the games to drop but honestly this is the least impressed I've been by new consoles.
I copped the Wii U because I got a SICK deal on it and was running all the Mario games and now I'm done with that until Kart and Smash drops. What is going on brehs? Ps4 doesn't even have a youtube app yet...can't stream from my computer no mo'...I'm playing Resogun like...damn I paid 400 plus bucks to play this!? Not into the FPS scene anymore so BF4 and COD:Ghosts does nothing for me. Pardon me if this thread has been done before...what is a must have game this gen for either XB1 or ps4..remind me please
I cant front, my ps3 getting hella burn. But it IS jailbroken... so
The truth is, I have more than enough to play on my ps4 havent even beaten a game on it yet. I just tend to get distracted by other stuff.
I'll probably go on a ps4 binge once infamous drops. But for now, its all about that TLOU and Extreme Gundam Vs. Full Boost