My PC gettin plenty burn 

I mean the mere fact it doesn't media stream is killing me. If were to dump my old consoles I'd have to go with boxee box or something. smhthing is, i would use my ps4 a lot more if they had media streaming and a youtube app. i'm still gaming on ps4 but i'm glued to the ps3 because at present, it has more features. not to mention ps+ is still better for ps3 and games like TWD and TWAU aren't on nextgen
- Amped 3
- Call of Duty 2
- Condemned: Criminal Origins
- FIFA 06: Road to FIFA World Cup
- Kameo: Elements of Power
- Madden NFL 06
- NBA 2K6
- NBA Live 06
- Need for Speed: Most Wanted
- NHL 2K6
- Perfect Dark Zero
- Peter Jackson's King Kong: The Official Game of the Movie
- Project Gotham Racing 3
- Quake 4
- Ridge Racer 6
- Tiger Woods PGA Tour 06
- Tony Hawk's American Wasteland
The aforementioned titles were paltry compared to what launched on PS4/Xb1 today.
Interesting point. I suppose maybe the jump in graphics, features, and overall stale gaming has me jaded perhaps.I play games on my PC damn near daily. Next to that would be my Vita which gets burn everyday because I'm playing Danganropa or Spelunky which is piff.
I hardly play my PS4 because there's nothing out there of interest to me right now for it. My brother on the contrary uses his ps4 everyday. He plays 2k14 on it almost every day and he just copped Tomb Raider. He also watches a lot of netflix or he uses the with his mobile phone.
If you're sitting there wondering why you spent $400 on a PS4 or $500 on a Xbox One, remember these launch titles for PS3/360.
The aforementioned titles were paltry compared to what launched on PS4/Xb1 today.
Fast forward today and you literally have too much games to play on PS3.
Because the Wii-U is weaker than the Xbox360/ps3this...and why do some people not say its a next gen console? outside of trolling, that is....
Xbox1 has games and media features... RIGHT NOWI mean the mere fact it doesn't media stream is killing me. If were to dump my old consoles I'd have to go with boxee box or something. smh
Another sony gamer bringing up PC's, cellphones and ps3's cuz ps4 got NOTHINGI play games on my PC damn near daily. Next to that would be my Vita which gets burn everyday because I'm playing Danganropa or Spelunky which is piff.
I hardly play my PS4 because there's nothing out there of interest to me right now for it. My brother on the contrary uses his ps4 everyday. He plays 2k14 on it almost every day and he just copped Tomb Raider. He also watches a lot of netflix or he uses the with his mobile phone.
If you're sitting there wondering why you spent $400 on a PS4 or $500 on a Xbox One, remember these launch titles for PS3/360.
The aforementioned titles were paltry compared to what launched on PS4/Xb1 today.
Fast forward today and you literally have too much games to play on PS3.
These reasons and no BC is why I simply can't justify jumping on a PS4 yet. Well that and the fact that I can't find one in stores and refuse to lurk Amazon 24/7 looking for one.thing is, i would use my ps4 a lot more if they had media streaming and a youtube app. i'm still gaming on ps4 but i'm glued to the ps3 because at present, it has more features. not to mention ps+ is still better for ps3 and games like TWD and TWAU aren't on nextgen