How is someone with an anime avi supposed to look :dahell:

Big Daddy

Fight or die fighting, no surrender.
Oct 25, 2014
I cant relate... I had an off campus apartment :banderas::banderas::banderas:

Off campus apartment living doesn't eat as good as being right on campus. Trust me breh. I've done both.

You eat, yes, but not as good.

The p*ssy is soo spontaneous when living on campus. So many times I got that 2a FB message asking me to come down the hallway or up the next floor to "chill".

Or I run into drunk biddies coming back from the club looking for D and they snatch a n!gga up to come in the room and "chill" with them.(while im sober and they're drunk :ahh:) I've smashed on so many of those kinda nights.

Those random spontaneous trysts are few and far in between when living off campus. Like I said, you'll still eat off campus though, of course.
Jul 13, 2015
Off campus apartment living doesn't eat as good as being right on campus. Trust me breh. I've done both.

You eat, yes, but not as good.

The p*ssy is soo spontaneous when living on campus. So many times I got that 2a FB message asking me to come down the hallway or up the next floor to "chill".

Or I run into drunk biddies coming back from the club looking for D and they snatch a n!gga up to come in the room and "chill" with them.(while im sober and they're drunk :ahh:) I've smashed on so many of those kinda nights.

Those random spontaneous trysts are few and far in between when living off campus. Like I said, you'll still eat off campus though, of course.

Nah my apartment was 1/2 mile off campus- I still WALKED to all my classes and had access to the same thots as EVERYONE else.

i moved in Junior year-- smashed more bytches in 1 SEMESTER having my OWN apartment, where we could SMOKE, not have curfew, or worry about roomates- than 2 years of dorm life :blessed::blessed::blessed::blessed::blessed:

back then it really turned women on and made them feel you was on your "grown man" if you was in apt not a dorm-- of course that dont mean plenty of yalll aint get your smash on in dorms :ufdup:

Big Daddy

Fight or die fighting, no surrender.
Oct 25, 2014
Nah my apartment was 1/2 mile off campus- I still WALKED to all my classes and had access to the same thots as EVERYONE else.

i moved in Junior year-- smashed more bytches in 1 SEMESTER having my OWN apartment, where we could SMOKE, not have curfew, or worry about roomates- than 2 years of dorm life :blessed::blessed::blessed::blessed::blessed:

back then it really turned women on and made them feel you was on your "grown man" if you was in apt not a dorm-- of course that dont mean plenty of yalll aint get your smash on in dorms :ufdup:

You don't get it. Like I said, yes, you will eat living off campus. Just not the WAY you eat when you live on campus. There's very little of that whole 'fukking someone different every week' opportunity when living off campus, simply due to accessibility, time, and place. Being there in the moment.

For example, one day I smashed a chick after I'd just left an 8am class. Really didn't even know her, we just lived in the same building and she was cool. She was coming back from her 8am class as well that morning when we happened to meet up at the door, got on the elevator together to go to our respective floors, weed got mentioned during the convo, decided to go to my suite to chill and smoke instead(idk what school you went to but at my HBCU the suites were huge with interior bathrooms, and everybody smoked in them, daily. No probs), and the rest was history.

That was pure opportune. That happened JUST because I just happened to be going into the dorm at the right moment.

There's been multiple smash sessions just from catching them stumbling through the dorm after the club, drunk and horny.

There's times that I've hopped on fb chat at like 3a on a random weekday night, seen something delicious up there, chat with her for a min, next thing you know I'm bummin it across campus to go "chill"(at 3am :comeon:) And that's happened a few times. And these be chicks who I only used to 'see around', never spoke with and certainly didn't know personally.

And it happened all due to being in the right place at the right time. At 3am on a weekday night females are highly reluctant to get up, get dressed, leave campus, get smashed out, and still have to go to class in the morning. But when you're right there on campus and able to just go to their room, or they can just come to yours, they don't have to worry about getting dressed, staying over, becomes a whole nother ballgame breh.:banderas: They are farrrr more willing to come thru/let you come thru during those random times. There's a level of 'sense of security' that plays in it too. They feel safer when they can just stay right there on campus and have you come to their room or vice versa, than leaving campus and going to the apt of a n!gga they just met 5 mins ago on FB chat.

I could go on and on with stories but I've already written a book and didn't even mean it. I'll say again too though, YES you can eat off campus. It's just in a different way. I have soo many off campus apartment tales and videos I could share. TRUST ME when I tell you that I know what you're trying to say. I know that the eating is good. So good :damn:
It's just in a different way, and not as spontaneous/numerous, as when you live on campus literally right next door to these chicks :wow:


RIP Future Gohan
Jan 20, 2014
Swole Gang
Anime is an abomination. Yall gonna learn one day... When your son becomes the weird anime kid at school that no one likes and your daughter becomes overweight and goes to anime conventions complaying...
Hopefully your son goes to school


RIP Future Gohan
Jan 20, 2014
Swole Gang
I was talking to a fine ass dude earlier who's into anime

There's a lot of weirdos into anime not all are ugly
:youngsabo: you tryna get this power pole?