Man I think that both of them are acknowledging the stereotypes and tensions that blacks and whites have for each other. I live in south Florida and low key racism is always there. Obviously, not every white dude is a confederate flag waving, cowboy hat wearing, hill billy. Just like every black dude down here isn't walking around with a do-rag, gang bangin, and wearing gold teeth/dreds. Just my opinion, I could be wrong.
I dont think LL was c00nin necessarily, I thought the purpose of the song was to point out some obvious stereotypes and acknowledge that not every cac with a cowboy hat is racist and that not every black dude with a wave cap on is going to rob you.
Edit: I just re-listened to LL's verse...This nicca was basically beggin to hang with white ppl....."I wanna sit down with you and have a beer...But I that red flag and I think that you dont want me near"

ok there is some c00nin going on there my bad