How do any non autistic ppl still believe in organized religion?


Theological Noncognitivist Since Birth
Jul 25, 2012
The Wrong Side of the Tracks
If it helps you in your personal life, great. Acting like it hasn't been used throughout history to oppress and divide, is another thing
Sure, but more often than not, those trying to rid the world of religion have caused MUCH more oppression and division.​


Intensity Integrity Intelligence
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Auburn, AL
Adam represented everything before G-d split Eve from him, right? I don't think it would necessarily contradict your hypothesis of Eve giving birth to all life but not Adam.

Eve eating of the apple, to me, was both her willingness to adhere to the perception/reality of the serpent moreso than to G-d. A good analogy is a huge field; you may see a garden, but I see a nation. Two separate realities for one space.

The fall of man is giving into the reality outside G-d because, while that reality is true, it will always be a step below.


As for the true origin, from our vantage point there seems to be a strict starting point, but just as in learning about relativity, time depends on your frame of reference.

That frame of reference changes based on how you measure (level of consciousness). So there may be some legitimacy to what you said. I still have to learn Hebrew though.


Something interesting that you touched up on that I have been thinking about but can't really put into words:

Shem (the name) - Speech

Ham (Black) - darkness, reality, possibility; it is where G-d exists:

"And the earth was without form and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters." Genesis 1:2

"God is surrounded by clouds and thick darkness, yet His righteousness and justice are the foundation of His throne." - Psalm 97:2

Japheth (enlargement) - space or "life" depending on the interpretation

I remember a pastor saying we should read the Bible as a tool to understand how the spiritual realm works and the rules of that realm. Every story details a rule/lesson of how the spirit works.

Your post kind of confirms that to me.
you know what you are right :jbhmm:

when you consider Genesis 1 as a concentric lense, the heavens (hashamayim) and the earth (ha-ares) are declared in the first statement, and light is established to create duality initially presented as day and night.

However the second day it explicitly says create a firmament (raqia) in the midst of "Ham-mayim" or (dark water) to separate it from the waters

now it can also be just considered "of the waters"....




Sep 14, 2019
In 2011 The Oxford Anthropological Society published a study that determined that humans are innately predisposed to have a belief in some conception of God.

Type the key words in a search engine and it will come up. There are other studies that demonstrate similar results.

Very few from the anti-religion atheist agnostic crowd actually make it past level 2 with their argumentation.
Studies by Emily Reed Burdett and Justin Barrett, from the University of Oxford, suggest that children below the age of five find it easier to believe in some superhuman properties than to understand similar human limitations. Children were asked whether their mother would know the contents of a box in which she could not see. Children aged three believed that their mother and God would always know the contents, but by the age of four, children start to understand that their mothers are not all-seeing and all knowing. However, children may continue to believe in all-seeing, all-knowing supernatural agents, such as a god or gods.

I couldn't find if they used a control group of people who were never exposed to religion, this study is far from a smoking gun, still interesting though.


Intensity Integrity Intelligence
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Auburn, AL
Have you ever considered that the ones who are creating the new world order also designed the old version as well?
thats debatable

there are quirks to language and its creation that transcends thought/masonry.

this is also my response to the other thread as well to save space :ehh:


Jan 1, 2018

I couldn't find if they used a control group of people who were never exposed to religion, this study is far from a smoking gun, still interesting though.

To make it practical we're hardwired for story as its how we encode memories to create narrative which then defines experience, roles and expectation. What many miss is that which underpins all of this as its as invisible as water to a fish:

Your awareness.

Without it there is nothing and its why I say words are weapons and thoughts are things because there are levels to all of this Game we're playing...

Still Benefited

Apr 30, 2012
Adam represented everything before G-d split Eve from him, right? I don't think it would necessarily contradict your hypothesis of Eve giving birth to all life but not Adam.

Eve eating of the apple, to me, was both her willingness to adhere to the perception/reality of the serpent moreso than to G-d. A good analogy is a huge field; you may see a garden, but I see a nation. Two separate realities for one space.

The fall of man is giving into the reality outside G-d because, while that reality is true, it will always be a step below.


As for the true origin, from our vantage point there seems to be a strict starting point, but just as in learning about relativity, time depends on your frame of reference.

That frame of reference changes based on how you measure (level of consciousness). So there may be some legitimacy to what you said. I still have to learn Hebrew though.


Something interesting that you touched up on that I have been thinking about but can't really put into words:

Shem (the name) - Speech

Ham (Black) - darkness, reality, possibility; it is where G-d exists:

"And the earth was without form and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters." Genesis 1:2

"God is surrounded by clouds and thick darkness, yet His righteousness and justice are the foundation of His throne." - Psalm 97:2

Japheth (enlargement) - space or "life" depending on the interpretation

I remember a pastor saying we should read the Bible as a tool to understand how the spiritual realm works and the rules of that realm. Every story details a rule/lesson of how the spirit works.

Your post kind of confirms that to me.

Adam and Eve isnt a creation story. There are already people in the world when they are cast out of eden. To me the story has many different lessons. I think one glaring thing is god noting the evil of free will. Which would actually mean that slavery is if not good,it is neccessary.

The problem is not slavery,but whos doing the enslaving and whos in charge of the slaves. When you really stop and think deeply about it:respect: