All Star
I would offer to do dishes all month then not do any or just wait til my mom was drunk and ask.
Took me back with this one.
Markmy uncle refused to buy one of those ppv boxes that bootlegged everything so it had to be a major ppv in order for us to pay the cable company
one of my friends had one tho so I was there every ppv sunday asking if they have anything to nosh
We ate so fukking well during the MNW/RA era
if they did they never said anything.
prolly blamed one of their kids/grandkids or something.
Hope and pray my dad or uncle would let me order it or I would listen to the scramble feed on channel 99.
Any y'all ever get lucky and actually have the scramble feed work? I had it happen during a random WCW PPV and a Backlash PPV they cut the feed after a couple matches though.
I think it was great American Bash 99 but
My shyt was scrambled all night but that shyt went damn near 4K quaility for the 99 when Rick Steiner had those gotdamn dogs attack Sting backstage after the match