Can't people in this Forum leave us alone
OP Wtf do you mean by "Ethiopian"? Its not even an Ethnicity but a Nation that has everything from Nilotics, Cushytics, Omotics, Semitics. Most people in Somalia are obviously dark as hell considering the skin burning weather and diet. Even Temperate highland Northern Ethiopia (Tigray) with its cool and cold Climate compared to Afar and Somali on average looks like this
Somalis on genetic papers firmly and consistently cluster with individuals that are 45% Eurasian
Latest Genetics study and the samples were taken from Addis Ababa examining Shewa Amharas, Oromo Shewans (Shewa Oromos are Habesha mixed Oromos) and Somalis from South-West Ethiopia (Ogaden)
Some of you need to understand this, The whole of the Horn is predominantly populated by mixed people, VERY mixed people that are 40%-60% Eurasian!
We as a group, from Habesha to Afar to Oromo to Somali are very related. 5-10% Genetic differences and diversity between groups is mini-scale compared to the 90-95% we share together. Horn Africans are an ancient population that came through mixture but have now become a stabilized Sub-racial group similar to the people of the Indian Sub-Continent, North Africans, Central Asians etc
We have every right to identify as our own unique Sub-Racial group. For your info, Horners are the only people in the whole of Africa who lack Niger-Congo mixture. Even modern Nilotics in South Sudan are up to 20% Niger-Congo (The African component of Somalis best fits Nilotics but their 20% Niger-Congo differentiates them from the original Nilotic-Like African ancestors of Horners), West Africa is the home of Niger-Congo, Bantu languages are the dominant languages in South-Eastern, South and Central Africa and virtually all North Africans carry 5-15% West African admixture. I'm not even going to bring up the almost extinct Khoisans who barely even exist and the few who do are not "pure". Its actually pretty weird how we are the only group in Africa who lack that component.
PS Can anyone provide an actual definition of "Black" and where does the term start and end? Are Middle Eastern Arabs who are 10% African on average Black? How about the Moroccans and Egyptians who are 25% African? Southern Moroccans and Egyptians are 30-40%, almost close to Horner levels lol
what about them? Lol Race is a social construct. People need to move on and stop constantly talking about us in here.