Issa lieBleaching is not common
The likelihood of you visiting any African or Caribbean nation for a week and seeing a bleached person is slim to none.

Issa lieBleaching is not common
The likelihood of you visiting any African or Caribbean nation for a week and seeing a bleached person is slim to none.
Dont remember ever seeing a bleacher in Ghana.Issa lie![]()
You can tell the mfs who travel internationally and the ones that ain’t been outside they own city/ state much
In 2011, the World Health Organization reported that 40% of African women bleached their skin. In Nigeria, 77% of women engaged in skin bleaching; in Togo, 59%; in South Africa, 35%; in Senegal, 27% and in Mali, 25%.
Only the most gutter of hood rats from any country would ever entertain this
I agree.Idk about Africa or other Caribbean countries. But I'm Jamaica bleaching isn't no where near as prominent as people think. And realistically you'll get clowned for doing it by most people. With that said it's still embarrassing and pathetic to engage in that type of self hate.
DISCLAIMER: This thread wasn't started to create a diaspora warIt's just an observation.
Imagine if Dove started selling skin bleaching cream & had massive advertising campaigns in Atlanta, Baltimore, Philly, Chicago, etc. Unilever (who owns Dove) would be bankrupted by the end of 2023.
The Caribbean black population has similar if not more admixture than black Americans so I’m not really following this right here.because most of us arent even that dark. Some of us are brown with orange tint, brown with yellow tint, maroon colored, light brown, too much variety…