How come skin bleaching never became big in black America like it did in Africa & the Caribbean?


World Class SuperVillain
Feb 22, 2014
77% of Nigerian women skin bleach to the point that the country has now declared it a health crisis but you want to make it a “Yoruba thing”

This is why I said here Africans don’t give a shyt about “Africa.”

Yall stay showing your asses. Pan-Africanism is at its LEAST among Africans.
Huh you forget most Igbo people are pro-Biafra before anything lol. We’ll be the first ones to tell you we’re not pan-Africanist. I’ve actively said in this board Nigeria needs to Balkanize


I’ve said time again on this board I’m a black nationalist not a pan-Africanist

NYC Rebel

...on the otherside of the pond
May 7, 2012
Huh you forget most Igbo people are pro-Biafra before anything lol. We’ll be the first ones to tell you we’re not pan-Africanist


I’ve said time again on this board I’m a black nationalist not a pan-Africanist
I applaud Igbos for that and bash Yoruba people for being anti-Biafra. You all are the only ones who get it.

Yet That has nothing to do with the skin bleaching problem and it doesn’t make you any less an African group was only concerned about their own. Biafra wasn’t about the good of Black people . It was about what was good for Igbos. And, they were right. Others needed to get with it
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Jul 17, 2018
I shocked at your response. We're discussing the fall-out from all of them "unceasing psyops."

As many Africans who post here, we should be talking about this as much as we talk about bbls, esp since this is more widespread/ has a lower barrier to entry.

You and I both know that "we should be talking about..." is not the purpose of these threads. This is unproductive bashing of the terrifying-foreign-people-who-we-pretend-are-so-different-than-us in an attempt to take the spotlight off your own glaringly obvious folly.

on a wide open forum...

that only benefits enemies and grifters by giving them material to work with.

No. We can talk actual solutions to problems all day. Many of us from different backgrounds will disagree on any number of things, that's part of the process. Some people are further along the path than others, I don't begrudge them where they are and will try to learn what there is to learn in order to fix my own flaws. One thing that's for certain is that I am not warring with my own blood to the benefit of these barbarians and fools who would rather lie to themselves, as though there aren't the same class games being played here in the US, that women here haven't been attempting the same assimilation games, that there isn't mountains of evidence in their own right of doing the utmost to look less like themselves across generations of eugenics practices to make oppressors feel more comfortable in their whiteness, to the same ongoing detriment to their physical/mental/emotional/spiritual health as the skin bleaching crowd. Who the vast majority don't rock with anyway, but the blind-man-groping-not-even-at-elephants-but-each-other bubbles of NYC or Toronto or London insist, without going anywhere, that they can see all there is to see because of segments of segments of people who move to those places.

This isn't just "talking about it", and you know that full well. Lie to yourself as you will, I am not playing these silly games.

NYC Rebel

...on the otherside of the pond
May 7, 2012
You and I both know that "we should be talking about..." is not the purpose of these threads. This is unproductive bashing of the terrifying-foreign-people-who-we-pretend-are-so-different-than-us in an attempt to take the spotlight off your own glaringly obvious folly.

on a wide open forum...

that only benefits enemies and grifters by giving them material to work with.

No. We can talk actual solutions to problems all day. Many of us from different backgrounds will disagree on any number of things, that's part of the process. Some people are further along the path than others, I don't begrudge them where they are and will try to learn what there is to learn in order to fix my own flaws. One thing that's for certain is that I am not warring with my own blood to the benefit of these barbarians and fools who would rather lie to themselves, as though there aren't the same class games being played here in the US, that women here haven't been attempting the same assimilation games, that there isn't mountains of evidence in their own right of doing the utmost to look less like themselves across generations of eugenics practices to make oppressors feel more comfortable in their whiteness, to the same ongoing detriment to their physical/mental/emotional/spiritual health as the skin bleaching crowd. Who the vast majority don't rock with anyway, but the blind-man-groping-not-even-at-elephants-but-each-other bubbles of NYC or Toronto or London insist, without going anywhere, that they can see all there is to see because of segments of segments of people who move to those places.

This isn't just "talking about it", and you know that full well. Lie to yourself as you will, I am not playing these silly games.
How come you’re not addressing the Africans in here I was saying that it’s not a problem? You would think first and foremost at the people afflicted with the problem and technology, but that’s not even on your radar. That’s why I smell bullshyt.

NYC Rebel

...on the otherside of the pond
May 7, 2012
You and I both know that "we should be talking about..." is not the purpose of these threads. This is unproductive bashing of the terrifying-foreign-people-who-we-pretend-are-so-different-than-us in an attempt to take the spotlight off your own glaringly obvious folly.

on a wide open forum...

that only benefits enemies and grifters by giving them material to work with.

No. We can talk actual solutions to problems all day. Many of us from different backgrounds will disagree on any number of things, that's part of the process. Some people are further along the path than others, I don't begrudge them where they are and will try to learn what there is to learn in order to fix my own flaws. One thing that's for certain is that I am not warring with my own blood to the benefit of these barbarians and fools who would rather lie to themselves, as though there aren't the same class games being played here in the US, that women here haven't been attempting the same assimilation games, that there isn't mountains of evidence in their own right of doing the utmost to look less like themselves across generations of eugenics practices to make oppressors feel more comfortable in their whiteness, to the same ongoing detriment to their physical/mental/emotional/spiritual health as the skin bleaching crowd. Who the vast majority don't rock with anyway, but the blind-man-groping-not-even-at-elephants-but-each-other bubbles of NYC or Toronto or London insist, without going anywhere, that they can see all there is to see because of segments of segments of people who move to those places.

This isn't just "talking about it", and you know that full well. Lie to yourself as you will, I am not playing these silly games.
How come you’re not addressing the Africans in here saying that it’s NOT a problem? You would think one would first and foremost address the people afflicted with the problem about their outright denial of it, but that’s not even on your radar. That’s why I smell bs
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NYC Rebel

...on the otherside of the pond
May 7, 2012
Since I was born muthafukka
There is no prominent skin bleaching culture here in the US. As a matter fact, I have a few AA friends that work for a major company here who forced their company to stop selling bleaching cream is in Africa that they dont sell here.

For one, there is not a major market for it here because the FDA bans most of them because they contain harmful ingredients that isnt allowed here but is allowed outside of the country.

How Sway?

Great Value Man
Nov 10, 2012
Maybe it’s because living side by side with them prevented black Americans from idolising them. Those living in Africa and the Caribbean saw them mostly through greatly controlled media back in the day. White ppl curated their image through media and presented them selves as saviours of black people (white saviour complex) and being closer to God through white purity. Also of course wealth flaunting and the poverty of so many ppl of colour globally. This all led to ppl in Africa and the Caribbean associating wealth and opportunity with whiteness.
I would say this is accurate.

Not to derail, but It's the same reason why a lot of socalled "non-fba's" have less issues with the idea of IR dating.
It's the novelty factor superimposed with the colonial mindset.

When you've been around "them folks" you less likely to put em on a pedestal.

Although FBA's are starting to open up to the idea of IR as well but that's a whole other topic
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Uptown Thoroughbred
Jun 10, 2018
I think Black American proximity to the evils and jealousy of white Americans made them more prideful about their skin.
My family is all mixed up, SC upcountry: mixed African ethnicities. possible Indians. confirmed wm. (albeit involuntarily).

We are not ls chasers at all. In fact, my super ls family goes for the super ds, and vice versa. Both sets of grandparents are a dark/ light combo. My Steph Curry complected brother married a ds Bajan. They had a ls daughter who dates mostly ds. Its a pattern. We're forever seeking equilibrium, ie, the complexion of chick in your avvy. I'm her color.

Love the Mark Twain quote.