I'll agree that music and "bad parenting" aren't the cause of the violence seen in Chicago, but that's not to say that they don't contribute to the atmosphere. The truth is, as someone else mentioned earlier, that Chicago has always had a history of violence... but what has this violence primarily stemmed from?: Illegal substances. Just as Al Capone and the like murdered for liquor turf in the 20's the same could be said of today's Chicago youth. What's worse for them is that what would have been crime families have broken down into gangs which have broken down into 'sets', someone living across the street can easily be antagonized and perceived as the enemy or a threat. Worst of all, our government flat out
allowed the Sinaloa Cartel to pump 80% of the drugs into Chicago for a DECADE (2002-2012) and never stopped arresting the citizens for possession or intent to sell. Black males are now stripped of a chance at employment (
92% unemployment for teens) kicked back out into the streets, and left to take on the unimaginable to survive. All these factors and more have turned Chicago into America's premiere nightmare.
I plan on making a video on this very topic later, but for now I wish to leave you all with this one. The murder problem in 'Chiraq' is a lot deeper than just saying,
"Hey guys why don't you knock it off." This is the result of systemic racism and policies via the war on drugs/criminal justice system. This in large part is why I'm working so hard to finally start a mass demonstration. Until we point out to the WORLD where the trail of blood begins, we will
never see change. July 5th is Incarceration Day. Join me and others in the movement: