How can you claim to be against white supremacy, but still perpetuate its legacy?


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
so blacks have made very little gains over the last 100 yrs simply because "that's where we started" :whew: started to sound a lot like those white supremacist.
You asked why we were at the bottom. In reality all Americans have had little gains except for the super wealthy. Again it has nothing to do with integration
and the US was already globally integrated as well, what's your point?
Walling ourselves in, inside of America would have made that black people did not have access to global or even local integration.

so your best example of "black doctors fueling innovation" is a poor black woman whose body was used for medical research? (by whites) :francis: you do realize they did that before integration and during slavery, right?
Its only one example and its a very good one how putting minds together from accross the world leads to innovation.

the US ranks 26th in life expectancy because of the poor healthcare blacks are receiving. we were on the right path when we had our own doctors working at black hospitals.
Says who? Why did the black people of the time want to integrate if shyt was so great for them?

these individual moves do not reflect the collective. black people were more moves when we had our own grocery stores, hospitals, transit systems, movie theaters, post offices, etc. i can't stress enough that the wealth disparity has remained unchanged. we are not making the moves YOU think we're making.
Its already been proven that black business is at its all time strongest. The wealth disparity has skyrocketed for ALL Americans. Has absolutely nothing to to with desegregation.

no, i dont have certs or 6 figure income. but even if i did, would it refute what i'm saying? we had individual "rich blacks" 80 yrs ago.
That wouldn't make you rich it would make you middle class, which most black Americans didn't have a chance of being back then.

"i've come to the realization that i think we may be integrating into a burning house" - king

Finish the quote.
"there are points at which I see the necessity for temporary separation as a temporary way-station to a truly integrated society"

He was not saying integration itself was inherently bad. In fact he was saying the exact opposite. We weren't integrated enough.

my "proof" is the % of wealth that has remained unchanged. so yeah, i will compare our wealth to whites. if their median networth is 150k, and ours is 5k, we have a serious fukking problem. nikkas always trynna exist by a different standard.
Its not a apples to apples comparison. Its a comparison devoid of any type of historical context or understanding of the current class dynamics in America.

yet you sit up here wanting to ask dumb questions like "why doesnt hiphop affect whites the same." shyt, maybe because they're living in much superior conditons?
The majority of black people live middle class, just like the majority of whites.

Your unwavering desire to divide and compare was taught to you by white supremacy.
May 26, 2012
The black middle class as of 2009 was 38% not over 50% | MIDDLE CLASS

This is 2009, early into a recession. During a recession we can assume that blacks, along with everybody else's, middle class percentages have dropped

This link attacks your ideas of the black middle class rising, and also shows that the black middle class has actually dropped since the push for integration between 1960 and the year 2000. Analysis | The Two Nations Of Black America | FRONTLINE | PBS

It would take a miracle to assume that the number of blacks in the middle class jumped after 9/11 AND a fukkin recession :martin: Especially with no kind of dedicated customer base to somewhat insulate them from such pressures :francis:

Also you talk about integration in weird way. We're arguing AGAINST the integration of OTHER PEOPLE in our societies and us into THEIRS.
You're arguing FOR integrating IDEAS AND TECHNOLOGY :mindblown:
You're figuratively arguing APPLES vs ORANGES. It's fallacious and i think you're doing this shyt on purpose :jbhmm:

We SHOULD integrate ideas and technology and use it to build and protect the BLACK FOLKS. We don't NEED to be living with whites and working for whites or even working WITH whites to integrate their ideas and technology. It does not follow logically :ufdup:
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May 24, 2012
Tha Land
The black middle class as of 2009 was 38% not over 50% | MIDDLE CLASS

This is 2009, early into a recession. During a recession we can assume that blacks, along with everybody else's, middle class percentages have dropped

This link attacks your ideas of the black middle class rising, and also shows that the black middle class has actually dropped since the push for integration between 1960 and the year 2000. Analysis | The Two Nations Of Black America | FRONTLINE | PBS

It would take a miracle to assume that the number of blacks in the middle class jumped after 9/11 AND a fukkin recession :martin: Especially with no kind of dedicated customer base to somewhat insulate them from such pressures :francis:

Also you talk about integration in weird way. We're arguing AGAINST the integration of OTHER PEOPLE in our societies and us into THEIRS.
You're arguing FOR integrating IDEAS AND TECHNOLOGY :mindblown:
You're figuratively arguing APPLES vs ORANGES. It's fallacious and i think you're doing this shyt on purpose :jbhmm:

We SHOULD integrate ideas and technology and use it to build and protect the BLACK FOLKS. We don't NEED to be living with whites and working for whites or even working WITH whites to integrate their ideas and technology. It does not follow logically :ufdup:

From your own link.

"Things began to change with the Civil Rights movement. Since the 60s the Black middle class has grown tremendously and African Americans have moved into more white collar jobs and are more educated than ever before"

How do you share ideas and technology without living and working amongst each other?
May 26, 2012
From your own link.

"Things began to change with the Civil Rights movement. Since the 60s the Black middle class has grown tremendously and African Americans have moved into more white collar jobs and are more educated than ever before"

How do you share ideas and technology without living and working amongst each other?

Yes that link spouted that nonsense but the second link argues against this false accomplishment
That first link also uses more fallacies: More educated than ever before

1 Everybody is more educated than ever before. It was BEFORE :snoop:
2. We didn't need civil rights to be highly educated, We had access to math, science, and the white man's history books

How do you share ideas and technology without living and working amongst each other?

First of all i never said i wanted to SHARE anything with whites. I said we should USE their innovations to HELP US (blacks)
All we have to do is stack the paper and buy the information/technology we need. I don't know why we have to integrate into white society to do this. The Japanese did this and prospered tremendously. The Chinese are currently ripping shyt UP doing just this :banderas:

Again, it doesn't seem to follow logically


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
Yes that link spouted that nonsense but the second link argues against this false accomplishment
That first link also uses more fallacies: More educated than ever before

1 Everybody is more educated than ever before. It was BEFORE :snoop:
2. We didn't need civil rights to be highly educated, We had access to math, science, and the white man's history books

How do you share ideas and technology without living and working amongst each other?

First of all i never said i wanted to SHARE anything with whites. I said we should USE their innovations to HELP US (blacks)
All we have to do is stack the paper and buy the information/technology we need. I don't know why we have to integrate into white society to do this. The Japanese did this and prospered tremendously. The Chinese are currently ripping shyt UP doing just this :banderas:

Again, it doesn't seem to follow logically

So the part of your link you agree with is cool. But everything you don't agree with is nonsense.:francis:

The second link changes the criteria to support his point. In order to make his point he cut off "middle class" at 49k. So one link says the middle class grew and the other says the upper class grew. Either way black people are better off.


The fact that you keep trying to bring up china and Japan shows how much you don't understand the subject.

Before china and Japan integrated with the world they were well behind the rest of the world. Not until they opened up their borders to trade and citizenship with the rest of the world, did they make any progress.

And its funny you get your opinion on how great china and Japan are doing straight from conservative think tanks based on false information.

In reality chinas citizens are starving. Oppressed beyond anything we have here.

The myth of China’s economic prowess

"Meanwhile, for all its bluster, a tremendous number of Chinese live in abject poverty. More than 82 million Chinese citizens live below the poverty line, in fact – a problem so severe that the Chinese government held its inaugural “Poverty Alleviation Day” last October. Those same poverty-stricken masses suffer under unbelievable pollution, produced by a Communist command-economy that doesn’t allow little things like poisoning its own people stand in the way"

The only shyt they are ripping up is their people's backs:comeon:

So that's the plan you want us to follow? Our upper class submit to white supremacy and squeeze our middle and lower class dry?

As I said. You dudes support white supremacy and you don't even know it:smh:

Axum Ezana

Driving in the fast lane
Apr 18, 2014
meech acts like blacks have not invented technology or scientific advances.....or just have not been credited cause they were slaves.

plus technology(controlled by white racist) is very detrimental to black jobs. if anything this is the biggest threat to black jobs in an integrated society ...its technology used to make blacks obsolete in the work force.

his whole premise is white supremacy ideology ...:dahell:

"blacks will only do good if massa is helping us(integration) cause god knoes we can't do it ourselves ":dahell:

if thats not white supremacist racist ideology then i don't know what is.:dahell:

integration sounds/look good on the surface but blacks are still at the bottom when you go in depth .

integration is destroying black economics cause you go spend your money in other community or businesses .....when you could be supporting black businesses . but integration destroyed black businesses cause blacks:snoop: and whites :mjpls: boycotted black owned things.

like others have said if blacks were upperclass then police violence would not go unjustified constantly . see americans worth/class are judged on by how much they own in economic terms as a COMMUNITY . blacks are more educated before but the unemployment rate is still sky high....

look how great integration into white amerikkka has been yall. woot wooh!:salute:

fukk integration:camby: .....we need to segregate:ehh: ....and then eventually congregate........:jbhmm:

also racist whites have rich ass amerikkka and there are still poor/middle/upper/elite racist whites from that observation imo their will always be classes depending on how hard/smart/determined/lucky you are and of course your inheritance(land,money,business).

plus ecomonic classes are subjective/perception in a way.....if the elite black woman has 50 billion dollars in a black owned country and the poor black man has 1 million ....the "poor" man still has money to survive or invest. he has a choice to advance in a none racist/capitalistic/elitist community. depending on how smart he is will determine how successful he is. no one would be purposely holding him back like white racist/surpremacist do in amerikkka.

of course some will not agree with what i wrote cause they have been socially engineered too fight black empowerment like their massa.:umad:

im done with this bullshyt. its not that hard to understand its mostly common sense. stop trollin:why:


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
meech acts like blacks have not invented technology or scientific advances.....or just have not been credited cause they were slaves.
Never said this. I simply said sharing resources and ideas breeds innovation.

plus technology(controlled by white racist) is very detrimental to black jobs. if anything this is the biggest threat to black jobs in an integrated society ...its technology used to make blacks obsolete in the work force.
What :what:?

So blacks are only relegated to unskilled labor?

his whole premise is white supremacy ideology ...:dahell:

"blacks will only do good if massa is helping us(integration) cause god knoes we can't do it ourselves ":dahell:
Who said this?

if thats not white supremacist racist ideology then i don't know what is.:dahell:

integration sounds/look good on the surface but blacks are still at the bottom when you go in depth.
We've gone in depth. And the facts say that the sharing of ideas, resources, economics is what makes a society progress.
integration is destroying black economics cause you go spend your money in other community or businesses .....when you could be supporting black businesses . but integration destroyed black businesses cause blacks:snoop: and whites :mjpls: boycotted black owned things.
This was proven untrue a couple pages ago.

like others have said if blacks were upperclass then police violence would not go unjustified constantly . see americans worth/class are judged on by how much they own in economic terms as a COMMUNITY . blacks are more educated before but the unemployment rate is still sky high....
Unemployment is much less now than it was before the 60s. Economic acheivment is much higher. Those are facts.

look how great integration into white amerikkka has been yall. woot wooh!:salute:

fukk integration:camby: .....we need to segregate:ehh: ....and then eventually congregate........:jbhmm:

also racist whites have rich ass amerikkka and there are still poor/middle/upper/elite racist whites from that observation imo their will always be classes depending on how hard/smart/determined/lucky you are and of course your inheritance(land,money,business).
So why do you only see race?

plus ecomonic classes are subjective/perception in a way.....if the elite black woman has 50 billion dollars in a black owned country and the poor black man has 1 million ....the "poor" man still has money to survive or invest. he has a choice to advance in a none racist/capitalistic/elitist community. depending on how smart he is will determine how successful he is. no one would be purposely holding him back like white racist/surpremacist do in amerikkka.
So you plan to build this mythical non capitalist/racist/elitists community within America?

How do you plan to do that?

of course some will not agree with what i wrote cause they have been socially engineered too fight black empowerment like their massa.:umad:

im done with this bullshyt. its not that hard to understand its mostly common sense. stop trollin:why:

Literally nothing you said was "common sense" just emotional rhetoric inspired by white supremacy.

There's no logic or historical precedent to support your nonsense. Just emotion.[/Quote]

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
rappers told nikkas to get 22 inch rims, nikkas went out and bought 22 inch rims.

rappers told nikkas to drink promethazine, nikkas went out and started drinking lean

rappers called women "thots," now you nikkas callin women thots

rappers told nikkas to "fukk up some commas," on bullshyt, nikkas went out and fukked they money on bullshyt

rappers told nikkas to get on molly, now nikkas cant get enough of them pills

rappers told nikkas to buy louis, gucci, versace, so nikkas went out and bought that shyt

rappers told nikkas to buy bape, redmonkey, lrg, so nikkas went out and bought that shyt

i mean, i'm tired of this stupid ass debate. rap is INFLUENTIAL. if the hottest rappers were talkin bout building businesses, steady families, becoming doctors, lawyers, dentist, etc--nikkas would go out and do that shyt too. unfortunately, we dont control the artform, so we're being persuaded to be "trap lords" and stick up kids

Yep, people that defend fukkery like corporate rap music and reality TV just like conflict.
May 26, 2012
Meach brother at this point i'm gonna assume you're trolling and i'm gonna stop going back and forth with you.
Your OP was fallacious from the jump and was a red flag but i gave you the benefit of the doubt

My stance is immigration and "integration" has not helped blacks as a whole. The stats prove it and common sense does as well. I'm done

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
We have a lot of positive hip-hop out there. But we as a collective don't want to hear it. I mean think it about you frequent the Booth, look at how it's changed over the years. Now of course this is an online forum and it's not 100 percent real life, but look at how many threads hype up cats like Future, Fetty Wap, Young Thug, Migos etc, and look at the tone they take towards rappers like Lupe, Kendrick, Nas, J. Cole etc. Positive hip-hop is automatically preachy, corny, elitist.

I grew up during the early hip-hop days and my teenage years were filled with both street and idealistic (late 80's early 90s) but there was a balance. Really ever since we allowed nikkaz4Life to plat, the entire climate has changed since then. Hip hop is an international music at this point and there was a thread about how Trap music is hurting even African culture.

I agree we need more images of Blacks being successful but it has to outside of Sports and Entertainment.

Real talk, some Booth posters are legit c00ns.

Axum Ezana

Driving in the fast lane
Apr 18, 2014
Meach brother at this point i'm gonna assume you're trolling and i'm gonna stop going back and forth with you.
Your OP was fallacious from the jump and was a red flag but i gave you the benefit of the doubt

My stance is immigration and "integration" has not helped blacks as a whole. The stats prove it and common sense does as well. I'm done

exactly....u gotta own energy resources (oil),water,land(farming) and medical resources.

show me stats on how much black america owns of each.

integration has made us completely dependent on our enemies(enslavers).


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
]My stance is immigration and "integration" has not helped blacks as a whole. The stats prove it and common sense does as well. I'm done
The stats, nore common sense prove it. Only repeated false rhetoric.

exactly....u gotta own energy resources (oil),water,land(farming) and medical resources.

show me stats on how much black america owns of each.

integration has made us completely dependent on our enemies(enslavers).
How could we possibly own land and natural resources in america without integration?:martin:


Can’t find a job, YOU can rap at least
Apr 7, 2014
Letting this thread marinate for two years. Do you still believe what you typed @MeachTheMonster ?

Also if @PhonZhi was a cac, why would he keep giving up game for free? Why paraphrase Chuck D, Ice Cube & Lupe. Who for years shyt on khazars and the lack of balance in mainstream rap? Why is propaganda still used in the media like Brother Malcolm was sayin in the early 60's?

:jbhmm: some of y'all gotta get clapped for progress to happen.