@THEREALBRAND the coli would rather hear why you dont think slavery still affects black people today or why you dont think that brainwashing tactics were used. You've posted twice. Both posts have been about an anonymous poster name PhonZhi. I have no idea who you are. So answer my above questions please. I would love to hear your opinion on something other than me. Its kinda weird having somebody who you've never even acknowledged talk about you so muchWhat black person says this
Slavery and the continued oppression afterwards to keep us as 2nd class citizens is the genesis our problems
I rarely see threads on slavery period. THATS what we need to be more educated on.
1) how slavery is STILL affecting us today in 2015
2) the economic impact that slavery had in making Amerikkka what it is today. I doubt the average black person looks at slavery from a business/money-making standpoint.
We need to become more aware and knowledgeable of the past. I am a result of this. The more i study the past and gain knowledge, the more "proud" i become in being black. The prouder i become in being black, the more i see things differently. When u look in the past it makes u realize why things are the way they are today.
If black ppl were truly "aware" of the past, there's no way we would be doing things like celebrating Thanksgiving , July 4th,etc. Thats just an example of how blind we currently are.
We have been brainwashed and mentally conditioned for 400+ years now. Yall think im blaming all the worlds problems on rap. No, 1st thats stupid. 2nd, us dancing and singing along to music that promotes our own genocide is a byproduct of the brainwashing of the black race. We think so lowly of ourselves that we find "entertainment" in music that degrades us. Again, the more aware i become the morei find this music
This is exactly why the white man purposely alters and hides the past. They want us to continue thinking lowly of ourselves. They dont want us gaining pride and uniting. They dont want us practicing group economics and circulating our money amongst ourselves. This is why they push sounds & images promoting and glorifying "shoot and kill that n1kka" & "spend spend spend". This is not a "conspiracy". Take a look in the past and you'll see plain as day that brainwashing and the distortion of the black image has been an effective tool for the white man for a very long time.