Why do dudes always try to reach beyond the focal point of the topic?
I never said you had to like it. It’s just dumb to hate on a fed started by wrestlers that gives talent a chance to shine and be a legit alternative.
AEW isn’t CZW, just like AEW isn’t ROH or MLW. You don’t see “fans” shytting on ROH or NJPW for being alternatives. But here comes AEW, a fed on a bigger platform than those other companies, and suddenly marks start to hate on it.
Did TNA/Impact get the same treatment AEW got when they were in their prime on Spike? (Serious question since I was out of the scene during that time.)
Stooges are just shook AEW has a chance to be legit competition and they’re![]()
Your thread title *literally* says "How can so called fans be Anti for a company founded by wrestlers". That is not saying "its dumb to hate", that is legitimately implying that you can't hold any kind of less-than-positive opinion for a company founded by wrestlers. These are your words! You should have just not hid your hands and made it clear you're talking about AEW. Frankly I think your entire thread premise is disingenuous and now you're getting to your real opinion.
Also, you are making a whole lot of assumptions about people's reactions to AEW and why they have them. Save your energy, think for yourself, and allow others to do the same.
Tell me where I've demonstrated being a "stooge" and why. I promise your argument will have more holes in it than swiss cheese.
Finally, since when what Tony Khan a wrestler?
Having an agenda when it comes to wrestling fandom is so fukking idiotic.