How Black Middle-Class Kids Become Poor Adults


All Star
Aug 17, 2014
Just my opinion. but when I speak on black people starting businesses it's for multiple reasons. Mainly it's because the reason our unemployment/poverty levels are so high is precisely because we don't own our own businesses and depend on whites to hire us. If we had our own businesses, we'd be able to easily provide employment for ourselves and wouldn't have to deal with discrimination in employment. As someone who does freelance, you'll still face discrimination because again, you're more than likely gonna have to be hired by a white person.
u know whats even crazier if u open a business nikkas gon think u "stuntin' on them and lowkey hate on you


I trained Sheng Long and Shonuff
May 2, 2012
u know whats even crazier if u open a business nikkas gon think u "stuntin' on them and lowkey hate on you

Guess it depends on the circle you run in. When I told dudes I was starting my own shyt I never experienced none of that. I try not to surround myself with fukk nikkas though :ehh:

Tupac in a Business Suit

Middle aged....Middle paid
May 14, 2012
Harlem via Brooklyn
1: Black folks need to stop buying shyt that they dont need. Kill that materialistic consumerist mentality.

2: Just because you dont have kids or much of responsibility it is not a license to live recklessly.

I was at a party this weekend that was half black on one side of the venue and half white on the other. Spent time watching the football game on one side, had six or seven drinks and was charged 40 bucks. They were trying to get people to buy tables and bottles and every single young white person negged the waitress. I go over to the black side to meet with my people after the game was over and every table had six bottles of overpriced alcohol. In addition, there was an upcharge on drinks on the black side vs the white side.

Lastly, almost everyone on the black side was 30 and up while on the white side, noone inside the bar was over the age of 30. No sense in doing age appropriate things for some of our folks. Everyone out there trying to stunt for the same IG captions and hashtags.
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How Sway?

Great Value Man
Nov 10, 2012
my parents always had a number of residual streams of income even though they would preach "go to college and get a good job" :ld:

hell, i do right now kind-a (I sell stuff online)


May 20, 2012
Because even middle class black parents kiccc their kids out when they turn 18

This. We dont allow our kids to build on our success so they are starting at the bottom for no reason. Lotta middle class kids fall into the trap of debt and student loans for no damn reason. a lot of middle class black kids also have to work through college even when their parents make enough to suppliment them but choose not too. Whats more important.. a stem degree.. studying to get into med school, or working at mcdonalds? I would prefer kids focus on their schooling with less distraction. The older generation thinks struggle builds character.. they dont realize how much damage it does and how far behind it puts kids to to be in debt and struggling through their 20's and 30s if they dont have too. imagine how far ahead kids could be if they started building wealth in their 20's instead.


Master Baker
May 1, 2012
yeah I just read this article in fast company about being black in Silicon Valley and they had this round table interview with like 14 black folks working in tech. All of them spread thin amongst these companies. Im sitting here like "take your talents and voltron!:why:"
um, that's exactly how it doesn't work in the valley. you're not getting money without a white male front man, even these asians/indians who are the actual power behind these startups have to get a white male co-founder, president, etc. my homegirl and her mom, a renown doctor in cancer research, have a business they've been working on, and she had to fill the team with asian programmers and white male in a biz dev role in order to be accepted into incubators and to find grants. i work in SV and the lack of black and brown people irks me to the core, it's crazy to watch these young minorities being raised in the bay area, a top job market right now, with no idea of the opportunities in SV nor being exposed to the educational skills needed for these jobs. i'm also irked by everyone focusing on he STEM side of SV and letting that suffice for why minorities are underrepresented when there a ton of business and operational (as well as HR) roles available.

the other issue is that SV has not accepted that there is a diversity problem. the culture here prides itself on being self made, anyone with talent is accepted, everyone is young, worldly, and liberal, merit is all you need, etc etc. the only issue they acknowledge is ageism. at least banking and consulting realized and accepted their diversity problem back in the 90's and actively started programs to reach out to minorities (an women), SV has not accepted this issue yet and thus have not made outreach a priority.


Aug 19, 2014
There is no reason I cannot go to Oprah and ask for a $100 thousand loan to open up a grocery store in my community, nor any other black person in each state asking the same from these entertainers.

Oprah was discriminated on for trying to shop at an expensive store in paris, Kanye just spent 30 million on a new house, Birdman constantly spends $1.5 million on cars, jewelry, just to name a few.

We have the capital as blacks and we also have the consumers, we just not applying it to ourselves. I talk directly, I don't like to talk in circles, u can use all the big words u want but the point is really this simple.

It's not how much u make, but how much u keep.


Chakra Daddy
May 1, 2012
um, that's exactly how it doesn't work in the valley. you're not getting money without a white male front man, even these asians/indians who are the actual power behind these startups have to get a white male co-founder, president, etc. my homegirl and her mom, a renown doctor in cancer research, have a business they've been working on, and she had to fill the team with asian programmers and white male in a biz dev role in order to be accepted into incubators and to find grants. i work in SV and the lack of black and brown people irks me to the core, it's crazy to watch these young minorities being raised in the bay area, a top job market right now, with no idea of the opportunities in SV nor being exposed to the educational skills needed for these jobs. i'm also irked by everyone focusing on he STEM side of SV and letting that suffice for why minorities are underrepresented when there a ton of business and operational (as well as HR) roles available.

the other issue is that SV has not accepted that there is a diversity problem. the culture here prides itself on being self made, anyone with talent is accepted, everyone is young, worldly, and liberal, merit is all you need, etc etc. the only issue they acknowledge is ageism. at least banking and consulting realized and accepted their diversity problem back in the 90's and actively started programs to reach out to minorities (an women), SV has not accepted this issue yet and thus have not made outreach a priority.
Its possible

I am not saying make it a black only business... In fact I would want it as diverse as possible. But a Startup with majority black intellect as the foundation is possible even if they have a white guy involved.
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Not who you think
Mar 7, 2014
I'm starting to believe that most of the people on the coli are idiots. :snoop: Do you understand what middle class means? :sitdown: of course someone in the middle class is going to be struggling living paycheck to paycheck. Middle class is barely living about the poverty rate (50k). You guys must be getting confused between upper middle class and middle class.


Not who you think
Mar 7, 2014
1: Black folks need to stop buying shyt that they dont need. Kill that materialistic consumerist mentality.

2: Just because you dont have kids or much of responsibility is not a license to live recklessly.

I was at a party this weekend that was half black on one side of the venue and half white on the other. Spent time watching the football game on one side, had six or seven drinks and was charged 40 bucks. They were trying to get people to buy tables and bottles and every single young white person negged the waitress. I go over to the black side to meet with my people after the game was over and every table had six bottles of overpriced alcohol. In addition, there was an upcharge on drinks on the black side vs the white side.

Lastly, almost everyone on the black side was 30 and up while on the white side, noone inside the bar was over the age of 30. No sense in doing age appropriate things. Everyone out there trying to stunt for the same IG captions and hashtags.

You coli know it alls always find it best to comment on what the other person is doing. Take your own advice man :mjlol:


Not who you think
Mar 7, 2014
my parents always had a number of residual streams of income even though they would preach "go to college and get a good job" :ld:

hell, i do right now kind-a (I sell stuff online)

I have family members in key senior management positions and all they do is preach the "go to college" speech. To be honest my parents make enough to where people who work for them laugh at the idea I'm in college :beli:

Warren Moon

Jun 1, 2014
College is still a good safety net especially as a black person. You're more likely to get hired eventually making 40k topping out at 70k. That's nothing to look down on especially when 27.7% of us are below poverty levels.

Now entrepreneurship is the way to go don't get me wrong. I've personally had 3 businesses since the age of 18 only one was popular and I can say it was BC I had white partners. Consumer base was white and even though I owned 60% I still knew what I had to present. Now when I tried to make that business pruley black, and practically gave equity away to nikkas that looked at me stupid saying it wasn't going to work :mjcry:. This is after I already started was very profitable but was on my intense black business mindset and wanted to cater to us. On the ground floor nikkas don't support each other in a lot of businesses. We don't have the numbers like white ppl do but at least other races fundamentally support each other, we hardly see an ending to barbershop 2 in real life.

When it comes to parental support, I got no support when I graduated and was extremely mad about it. But my pops told me he had to grind to get where he's at, and I needed that instilled in me at a young age. I do believe there are barriers for us but I firmly believe if u stay grinding u can make it, ive seen and read about too many nikkas that have.

We also compare ourselves collectively too much to whites. All these white ppl getting trusts and property handed down its not like that's a lot of ppl. Maybe 10-15% of them if that. Most white ppl are living paycheck to paycheck like everybody else its just their 10% has 500 times more ppl than our 10% so we think they got it better which isn't the case.

There's money out there its just most black people don't know how to get it. Ga actually has laws to encourage black businesses when u hire them tu can write it off :blessed:. Y'all just got to look up information talking about it and being about it are two very different things. lots of ppl talk but truly how many of y'all are looking into building right now at this moment. Nobody is going to give u shyt as a black man . once u realize that u gotta go get it by all means