um, that's exactly how it doesn't work in the valley. you're not getting money without a white male front man, even these asians/indians who are the actual power behind these startups have to get a white male co-founder, president, etc. my homegirl and her mom, a renown doctor in cancer research, have a business they've been working on, and she had to fill the team with asian programmers and white male in a biz dev role in order to be accepted into incubators and to find grants. i work in SV and the lack of black and brown people irks me to the core, it's crazy to watch these young minorities being raised in the bay area, a top job market right now, with no idea of the opportunities in SV nor being exposed to the educational skills needed for these jobs. i'm also irked by everyone focusing on he STEM side of SV and letting that suffice for why minorities are underrepresented when there a ton of business and operational (as well as HR) roles available.
the other issue is that SV has not accepted that there is a diversity problem. the culture here prides itself on being self made, anyone with talent is accepted, everyone is young, worldly, and liberal, merit is all you need, etc etc. the only issue they acknowledge is ageism. at least banking and consulting realized and accepted their diversity problem back in the 90's and actively started programs to reach out to minorities (an women), SV has not accepted this issue yet and thus have not made outreach a priority.