How Black Middle-Class Kids Become Poor Adults


Aug 19, 2012
Excellent indeed. I'm circulating this post on social media

Several reasons:

1. Blacks generally do not own much, so they cannot pass down through the generations i.e. lack of forward planning

- Renting apartments/homes. No home(s) to pass down to children/grandchildren
- No life insurance for untimely death, which brings more debt. Life insurance should pay for funeral, debt and replace income
-No inheritance. Blacks are the only group who tend to think that simply raising a child is enough. Other groups tend to believe that they are remembered via what they left behind. So, other groups have children that are born with some fom of wealth before they even start walking.

2. Blacks have the lowest business ownership percentage amongst all groups

- Blacks tend to teach children to "get a good job", which cannot be passed down or used as an income source or sold for profit
- Blacks do not understand the correlation between business ownership and poverty. Businesses create jobs, which give income and benefits to a group. Other groups tend to work for their racial group in high numbers. Blacks work for black-owned companies at 2 PERCENT clip. That is by the lowest percentage of intra-racial employment....not even close.

3. Blacks do not circulate their dollar amonst themselves

- Blacks do not understand how important this is. An example:

Tyrone buys groceries from black-owned supermarket. Owner of market, John, buys product from black owned-distributor. Distributor buys produce from black farmer. Farmer buys Ford F-150 from black-owned car dealership. Owner of dealership buys lunch everday at a black-owned diner. Owner of diner employs five blacks to run diner. So on and so forth.

From that one example, the black dollar cycled TEN TIMES. That would put blacks at about average for intra-racial money circulation. Here's the issue: On average, the black dollar does not circulate even ONCE before leaving black hands.

Over the course of a month, a dollar circulates Asian hands for 20+ days on average. Jewish hands, in the teens. White, in the teens. The black dollar circulates for 6 HOURS on average per month.

In layman terms, what this means is that other groups, namely Whites and Asians live off 100% of their own income AND 98% of black income. So, since blacks do not circulate money amongst themselves, we live on only TWO PERCENT of our income.

This is why other groups have more disposable income. This is why they can bounce back faster across the board. This is why they can take on more debt to buy a home, go to grad school or start a business. This is why, along with inheritance, they can make the same as a black person and have much more.

4. The black "middle class" is mostly a myth

- Most blacks considered "middle class" are at the whim of an economic downturn affecting their job. It has been proven over and over again, via study after study, that black "middle class" persons have pennies in terms of net worth in comparison to white middle class persons. Studies continually show black "middle class" homes with a net worth in the four figures while the average middle income white household shows at least five figures.

With this, it is not hard to see why the joke is "middle class blacks live in the same neighborhoods as working class whites."

Because of the points noted above, blacks are solely reliant on their income from white-owned companies or government for their middle income status. With a lack of ownership of property/goods, negligible inherited proceeds and abysmal intra-racial money circulation, blacks can only rely on the income they currently have to claim anything above poor.

Like another poster said, money is to be used as a tool. Unfortunately, like many things, blacks were never taught how things work.



Alone In My Zone
Sep 30, 2012
The Cosmos
I can't think of one thing that Asians go to blacks for.



Apr 30, 2012
1st Round Playoff Exits
I have to agree, until I become a millionaire myself. No way I'm gonna bring kids to the world where I can't provide for them with a college education or making big money and not have time for them to raise them properly. Time freedom and money freedom is necessary to excel in today's world.
you don't have to be a millionaire smh, but you can setup a trustfund for them when they're born. Like put 10-20k away for them. Then when its time for college, that money has morphed into 80-100k

It is a mystery

Tory Lanez Stan
Aug 20, 2013
Several reasons:

1. Blacks generally do not own much, so they cannot pass down through the generations i.e. lack of forward planning

- Renting apartments/homes. No home(s) to pass down to children/grandchildren
- No life insurance for untimely death, which brings more debt. Life insurance should pay for funeral, debt and replace income
-No inheritance. Blacks are the only group who tend to think that simply raising a child is enough. Other groups tend to believe that they are remembered via what they left behind. So, other groups have children that are born with some fom of wealth before they even start walking.

2. Blacks have the lowest business ownership percentage amongst all groups

- Blacks tend to teach children to "get a good job", which cannot be passed down or used as an income source or sold for profit
- Blacks do not understand the correlation between business ownership and poverty. Businesses create jobs, which give income and benefits to a group. Other groups tend to work for their racial group in high numbers. Blacks work for black-owned companies at 2 PERCENT clip. That is by the lowest percentage of intra-racial employment....not even close.

3. Blacks do not circulate their dollar amonst themselves

- Blacks do not understand how important this is. An example:

Tyrone buys groceries from black-owned supermarket. Owner of market, John, buys product from black owned-distributor. Distributor buys produce from black farmer. Farmer buys Ford F-150 from black-owned car dealership. Owner of dealership buys lunch everday at a black-owned diner. Owner of diner employs five blacks to run diner. So on and so forth.

From that one example, the black dollar cycled TEN TIMES. That would put blacks at about average for intra-racial money circulation. Here's the issue: On average, the black dollar does not circulate even ONCE before leaving black hands.

Over the course of a month, a dollar circulates Asian hands for 20+ days on average. Jewish hands, in the teens. White, in the teens. The black dollar circulates for 6 HOURS on average per month.

In layman terms, what this means is that other groups, namely Whites and Asians live off 100% of their own income AND 98% of black income. So, since blacks do not circulate money amongst themselves, we live on only TWO PERCENT of our income.

This is why other groups have more disposable income. This is why they can bounce back faster across the board. This is why they can take on more debt to buy a home, go to grad school or start a business. This is why, along with inheritance, they can make the same as a black person and have much more.

4. The black "middle class" is mostly a myth

- Most blacks considered "middle class" are at the whim of an economic downturn affecting their job. It has been proven over and over again, via study after study, that black "middle class" persons have pennies in terms of net worth in comparison to white middle class persons. Studies continually show black "middle class" homes with a net worth in the four figures while the average middle income white household shows at least five figures.

With this, it is not hard to see why the joke is "middle class blacks live in the same neighborhoods as working class whites."

Because of the points noted above, blacks are solely reliant on their income from white-owned companies or government for their middle income status. With a lack of ownership of property/goods, negligible inherited proceeds and abysmal intra-racial money circulation, blacks can only rely on the income they currently have to claim anything above poor.

Like another poster said, money is to be used as a tool. Unfortunately, like many things, blacks were never taught how things work.

And you can see why this is the case on the first two pages of this thread:snoop:


Apr 30, 2012
1st Round Playoff Exits
Meh the coli where everyone makes 6 figures and anything under 70k is laughable

Negged for fake articles
word like I don't see droves of super poor people of color, in my city, yet thecoli has the highest concentration of blacks with "good jobs / careers"
Honestly i'd be more impressed if I saw more brehs in college / with communication degrees, but the reality of this scenario, is even a rarity.


Aug 20, 2013
Sound Reasoning
I think blacks need to understand on a very basic level how important it is to circulate money amongst ourselves. It is literally the difference between why blacks live in slums with food deserts, horrible schools, high crime and no jobs. While most others live in functional communities with supermarkets, malls, restaurants, functional schools, libraries, low crime and every possible resource.

This is why blacks have to drive to the suburbs to shop for food, clothing and everything else.

It needs to be reiterated that spending money wantonly with non-blacks contributes directly to their wealth and kills the wealth of blacks. Blacks are literally financing the houses, cars, vacations, education and retirements of non-blacks with every swipe of their debit/credit card at the large congolmerates and the local corner stores.

All the while blacks are struggling in their neighborhoods being treated like second and third class customers by the very same non-blacks that they patronize by shopping in their stores. It's a slap in the face and because black people have a lack resources, they continue to accept it.

There are some simple steps that EVERY black person could take to change the current situation:

- Bank Black: move monies to black-owned banks, obtain loans through black banks, etc. No more banking with white-owned banks that take your money for granted and then deny you credit and loans that they discriminatingly give to white customers with the same credentials

- Find qualified black professionals: Find a qualified doctor, dentist, gyno, lawyer, contractor, etc. All black everything. Every other group I've seen goes out of their way to find people from their group for these types of services. Except black people. Black people have an Arab doctor, a Mexican dentist, a Persian home contractor and Jewish lawyer. But are those groups as liberal with hiring black professionals in return? No, they're not.

- Hold your Dollar hostage: HAVE SOME DAMN DIGNITY!!!! Stop spending your money with people who don't like you and have no problems treating you like they don't like you when you walk into their stores. It turns my stomach when I hear of black people constantly telling stories of being followed around stores and being talked down to.....and yet.....they keep going back to these stores making these people rich!

If your money doesn't guarantee you some customer service and some courtesy, then put your dollar back in your pocket. If you don't see a black employee or two in said store, then put your dollar back in your pocket. If you can't get a hello and thank you, then put your dollar back in your pocket. If your dollar doesn't get you quality products in a clean, sanitary environment, then your dollar back in your pocket.

If there was a ground swell of blacks doing just the above three things, then we would see some drastic change in the next week. It doesn't have to take long. It doesn't have to take marches. It doesn't have to take another black person being killed unjustly.

All it takes is black people deciding to put black people first. The key to all of this is racial dignity.



Alone In My Zone
Sep 30, 2012
The Cosmos
I think blacks need to understand on a very basic level how important it is to circulate money amongst ourselves. It is literally the difference between why blacks live in slums with food deserts, horrible schools, high crime and no jobs. While most others live in functional communities with supermarkets, malls, restaurants, functional schools, libraries, low crime and every possible resource.

This is why blacks have to drive to the suburbs to shop for food, clothing and everything else.

It needs to be reiterated that spending money wantonly with non-blacks contributes directly to their wealth and kills the wealth of blacks. Blacks are literally financing the houses, cars, vacations, education and retirements of non-blacks with every swipe of their debit/credit card at the large congolmerates and the local corner stores.

All the while blacks are struggling in their neighborhoods being treated like second and third class customers by the very same non-blacks that they patronize by shopping in their stores. It's a slap in the face and because black people have a lack resources, they continue to accept it.

There are some simple steps that EVERY black person could take to change the current situation:

- Bank Black: move monies to black-owned banks, obtain loans through black banks, etc. No more banking with white-owned banks that take your money for granted and then deny you credit and loans that they discriminatingly give to white customers with the same credentials

- Find qualified black professionals: Find a qualified doctor, dentist, gyno, lawyer, contractor, etc. All black everything. Every other group I've seen goes out of their way to find people from their group for these types of services. Except black people. Black people have an Arab doctor, a Mexican dentist, a Persian home contractor and Jewish lawyer. But are those groups as liberal with hiring black professionals in return? No, they're not.

- Hold your Dollar hostage: HAVE SOME DAMN DIGNITY!!!! Stop spending your money with people who don't like you and have no problems treating you like they don't like you when you walk into their stores. It turns my stomach when I hear of black people constantly telling stories of being followed around stores and being talked down to.....and yet.....they keep going back to these stores making these people rich!

If your money doesn't guarantee you some customer service and some courtesy, then put your dollar back in your pocket. If you don't see a black employee or two in said store, then put your dollar back in your pocket. If you can't get a hello and thank you, then put your dollar back in your pocket. If your dollar doesn't get you quality products in a clean, sanitary environment, then your dollar back in your pocket.

If there was a ground swell of blacks doing just the above three things, then we would see some drastic change in the next week. It doesn't have to take long. It doesn't have to take marches. It doesn't have to take another black person being killed unjustly.

All it takes is black people deciding to put black people first. The key to all of this is racial dignity.

Dapped, bookmarked and tried to rep:

The following error occurred:

Slow down on the reps breh!


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
Needs its own thread


I think blacks need to understand on a very basic level how important it is to circulate money amongst ourselves. It is literally the difference between why blacks live in slums with food deserts, horrible schools, high crime and no jobs. While most others live in functional communities with supermarkets, malls, restaurants, functional schools, libraries, low crime and every possible resource.

This is why blacks have to drive to the suburbs to shop for food, clothing and everything else.

It needs to be reiterated that spending money wantonly with non-blacks contributes directly to their wealth and kills the wealth of blacks. Blacks are literally financing the houses, cars, vacations, education and retirements of non-blacks with every swipe of their debit/credit card at the large congolmerates and the local corner stores.

All the while blacks are struggling in their neighborhoods being treated like second and third class customers by the very same non-blacks that they patronize by shopping in their stores. It's a slap in the face and because black people have a lack resources, they continue to accept it.

There are some simple steps that EVERY black person could take to change the current situation:

- Bank Black: move monies to black-owned banks, obtain loans through black banks, etc. No more banking with white-owned banks that take your money for granted and then deny you credit and loans that they discriminatingly give to white customers with the same credentials

- Find qualified black professionals: Find a qualified doctor, dentist, gyno, lawyer, contractor, etc. All black everything. Every other group I've seen goes out of their way to find people from their group for these types of services. Except black people. Black people have an Arab doctor, a Mexican dentist, a Persian home contractor and Jewish lawyer. But are those groups as liberal with hiring black professionals in return? No, they're not.

- Hold your Dollar hostage: HAVE SOME DAMN DIGNITY!!!! Stop spending your money with people who don't like you and have no problems treating you like they don't like you when you walk into their stores. It turns my stomach when I hear of black people constantly telling stories of being followed around stores and being talked down to.....and yet.....they keep going back to these stores making these people rich!

If your money doesn't guarantee you some customer service and some courtesy, then put your dollar back in your pocket. If you don't see a black employee or two in said store, then put your dollar back in your pocket. If you can't get a hello and thank you, then put your dollar back in your pocket. If your dollar doesn't get you quality products in a clean, sanitary environment, then your dollar back in your pocket.

If there was a ground swell of blacks doing just the above three things, then we would see some drastic change in the next week. It doesn't have to take long. It doesn't have to take marches. It doesn't have to take another black person being killed unjustly.

All it takes is black people deciding to put black people first. The key to all of this is racial dignity.


Danny Up

Jun 9, 2012
I think blacks need to understand on a very basic level how important it is to circulate money amongst ourselves. It is literally the difference between why blacks live in slums with food deserts, horrible schools, high crime and no jobs. While most others live in functional communities with supermarkets, malls, restaurants, functional schools, libraries, low crime and every possible resource.

This is why blacks have to drive to the suburbs to shop for food, clothing and everything else.

It needs to be reiterated that spending money wantonly with non-blacks contributes directly to their wealth and kills the wealth of blacks. Blacks are literally financing the houses, cars, vacations, education and retirements of non-blacks with every swipe of their debit/credit card at the large congolmerates and the local corner stores.

All the while blacks are struggling in their neighborhoods being treated like second and third class customers by the very same non-blacks that they patronize by shopping in their stores. It's a slap in the face and because black people have a lack resources, they continue to accept it.

There are some simple steps that EVERY black person could take to change the current situation:

- Bank Black: move monies to black-owned banks, obtain loans through black banks, etc. No more banking with white-owned banks that take your money for granted and then deny you credit and loans that they discriminatingly give to white customers with the same credentials

- Find qualified black professionals: Find a qualified doctor, dentist, gyno, lawyer, contractor, etc. All black everything. Every other group I've seen goes out of their way to find people from their group for these types of services. Except black people. Black people have an Arab doctor, a Mexican dentist, a Persian home contractor and Jewish lawyer. But are those groups as liberal with hiring black professionals in return? No, they're not.

- Hold your Dollar hostage: HAVE SOME DAMN DIGNITY!!!! Stop spending your money with people who don't like you and have no problems treating you like they don't like you when you walk into their stores. It turns my stomach when I hear of black people constantly telling stories of being followed around stores and being talked down to.....and yet.....they keep going back to these stores making these people rich!

If your money doesn't guarantee you some customer service and some courtesy, then put your dollar back in your pocket. If you don't see a black employee or two in said store, then put your dollar back in your pocket. If you can't get a hello and thank you, then put your dollar back in your pocket. If your dollar doesn't get you quality products in a clean, sanitary environment, then your dollar back in your pocket.

If there was a ground swell of blacks doing just the above three things, then we would see some drastic change in the next week. It doesn't have to take long. It doesn't have to take marches. It doesn't have to take another black person being killed unjustly.

All it takes is black people deciding to put black people first. The key to all of this is racial dignity.

Sounds good, but way off base.

Black businesses in the hood have the same bulletproof glass and keep the same watchful eye of the patrons as their Asian and white counterparts. Exceptions being the barbershop most of the time, but if you ain't known, you get looks. Black patrons are also sometimes very ignorant and disrespectful or trying to get deals on something. Not all, but be real about it.

Banks are accused of giving black people loans they could not afford. That's both good and bad banking depending on which side you stand. Which would mean the black bank would have to turn them down or be accused of being predatory. Then you'd say they are sellouts and uppity negroes.

Most black professionals who practice in the hood, do not reside in the hood or "black community". I can't blame them, you try to do good to leave that area. Also people go to where their insurance sends them. If you're low income you really have little choice in which doctor or dentist you see.


Aug 20, 2013
Sound Reasoning
Sounds good, but way off base.

Black businesses in the hood have the same bulletproof glass and keep the same watchful eye of the patrons as their Asian and white counterparts. Exceptions being the barbershop most of the time, but if you ain't known, you get looks. Black patrons are also sometimes very ignorant and disrespectful or trying to get deals on something. Not all, but be real about it.

Banks are accused of giving black people loans they could not afford. That's both good and bad banking depending on which side you stand. Which would mean the black bank would have to turn them down or be accused of being predatory. Then you'd say they are sellouts and uppity negroes.

Most black professionals who practice in the hood, do not reside in the hood or "black community". I can't blame them, you try to do good to leave that area. Also people go to where their insurance sends them. If you're low income you really have little choice in which doctor or dentist you see.

You're fillibustering under the guise of giving critical critique, which is nonsensical. I know your MO though. You're contrarian for the sake of being contrarian, especially when dealing with issues of black empowerment. Basically, you're a troll.

None of what you stated takes away from anything I stated. Regardless of the anecdotal gibberish you provided, blacks need to focus on their own businesses and their own pockets. This isn't about Kumbaya.....this is about practical action steps to alleviate poverty and mistreatment.



Rap Guerilla
May 1, 2012
The Chi (South Side)
1: Black folks need to stop buying shyt that they dont need. Kill that materialistic consumerist mentality.

2: Just because you dont have kids or much of responsibility it is not a license to live recklessly.

I was at a party this weekend that was half black on one side of the venue and half white on the other. Spent time watching the football game on one side, had six or seven drinks and was charged 40 bucks. They were trying to get people to buy tables and bottles and every single young white person negged the waitress. I go over to the black side to meet with my people after the game was over and every table had six bottles of overpriced alcohol. In addition, there was an upcharge on drinks on the black side vs the white side.

Lastly, almost everyone on the black side was 30 and up while on the white side, noone inside the bar was over the age of 30. No sense in doing age appropriate things for some of our folks. Everyone out there trying to stunt for the same IG captions and hashtags.

:snoop: @ old ass nikkas still wanting to fake balling out. On that Puffy shyt.

I know cats that still go to the clubs on the regular doing this same shyt. barely have shyt in their bank, but will spend it all that night to give the impression of having bread. I mean we are all in our 30's. why behave like this?

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
I know cats that still go to the clubs on the regular doing this same shyt. barely have shyt in their bank, but will spend it all that night to give the impression of having bread. I mean we are all in our 30's. why behave like this?

Cause the black community don't have many examples of grown figures. Even worse that these 30+ dudes still think that women hold the advantages of the dating scene. Underachieving is the norm for many of us. :snoop:


Rap Guerilla
May 1, 2012
The Chi (South Side)
Cause the black community don't have many examples of grown figures. Even worse that these 30+ dudes still think that women hold the advantages of the dating scene. Underachieving is the norm for many of us. :snoop:

whats crazy is this dude has two parents that are still together. hell, they have been black business owners since before I met him and that was over 20 years ago. no its not like he don't have a good role model.