How Barack Obama Failed Black Americans


Dec 2, 2015
Be intellectually dishonest brehs.
Police force weapon supply, staffing, and militarization policies are all up to the individual states, and unless you're not American, I'm sure you know full well of the states > federal power within a state.
The Department rules that allow local and state police forces to acquire the weapons is a DoD policy put up in the 90s.
I know an argument about Black people is going down hill when these dorks come out talking about "Jews and gays" :mjgrin:
How Obama quietly reshaped America’s war on drugs
Blah, blah, blah "Smart on Crime Initiative"

"The push followed a milder success with the Fair Sentencing Act of 2010. The bill, which Obama signed into law, reduced the sentencing disparity between powder cocaine and crack cocaine. Although both drugs are pharmacologically similar, the sentencing structure behind them was enormously disparate: You needed to have just 5 grams of crack to end up in prison for five years, compared to a requirement of 500 grams for powder cocaine. There was a big racial disparity behind this difference: Black Americans are more likely to use crack, while white Americans are more likely to use powder cocaine. The law elevated the threshold for crack to 28 grams, closing the gap in sentencing from 100:1 to 18:1."

Vast majority of the damage done during his tenure was Michele Leonhart, who was relected from the Bush era, and she completely moved in the opposite direction of the 09-10 memos about medical marijuana.

You are the one being intellectually dishonest. Typically of the Obama worshippers. You would point the blame at a state or states not taking a grant, rather than the fed offering the grant. How does that make sense?

You talk about the damage done with Bush, Obama and holder increased prosecutions for weed by 80% over Bush. Judging From Prosecutions, Obama Is 80 Percent Worse Than Bush on Medical Marijuana

And again you can point to the reduced ratio of crack to cocaine, but why wasn't it reduced to absulte parity? Why did Obama fight to not see the results of his policy actually implemented?

As for jews and gays, Obama has gone out of his way to appease 3% of the population with the US kowtowing to Israel, sending them billions in aid, still providing them cover, he has gone out of his way to support 3% of the population that is gay lesbian travestite etc in forcing them to be accepted and allowing men to use female bathrooms and etc, but this man only has 2 federal prosecutions of police departments for killing unarmed black men and when his own "friend" was beaten by a racist cop backed down from calling the cop wrong and criticizing his actions.

Obama is a joke and has been a detriment to black americans. The best thing about Trump is that blacks will no longer give political cover to the racist shyt going on.


Jun 22, 2014
You are the one being intellectually dishonest. Typically of the Obama worshippers. You would point the blame at a state or states not taking a grant, rather than the fed offering the grant. How does that make sense?

You talk about the damage done with Bush, Obama and holder increased prosecutions for weed by 80% over Bush. Judging From Prosecutions, Obama Is 80 Percent Worse Than Bush on Medical Marijuana

And again you can point to the reduced ratio of crack to cocaine, but why wasn't it reduced to absulte parity? Why did Obama fight to not see the results of his policy actually implemented?

As for jews and gays, Obama has gone out of his way to appease 3% of the population with the US kowtowing to Israel, sending them billions in aid, still providing them cover, he has gone out of his way to support 3% of the population that is gay lesbian travestite etc in forcing them to be accepted and allowing men to use female bathrooms and etc, but this man only has 2 federal prosecutions of police departments for killing unarmed black men and when his own "friend" was beaten by a racist cop backed down from calling the cop wrong and criticizing his actions.

Obama is a joke and has been a detriment to black americans. The best thing about Trump is that blacks will no longer give political cover to the racist shyt going on.
Ether you didn't read my post, or you're purposefully ignoring my pointing out Michele Leonhart. who is the architect and the executor behind the increase in medical marijuana prosecutions, this is completely beside the fact that there is a massive increase in medical marijuana dispensaries to be prosecuted in between the Bush and Obama years.
There are Black gay people.
I'm not a Obama fan, I've said numerous times. I'm just pointing out the incorrectness in what you're saying.
I'm entirely opposed to Obama's support of Israel in any way, Israeli is a pseudo-apartheid state, a bastion of Zionism, crimes against humanity, etc.


Dec 2, 2015
Ether you didn't read my post, or you're purposefully ignoring my pointing out Michele Leonhart. who is the architect and the executor behind the increase in medical marijuana prosecutions, this is completely beside the fact that there is a massive increase in medical marijuana dispensaries to be prosecuted in between the Bush and Obama years.
There are Black gay people.
I'm not a Obama fan, I've said numerous times. I'm just pointing out the incorrectness in what you're saying.
I'm entirely opposed to Obama's support of Israel in any way, Israeli is a pseudo-apartheid state, a bastion of Zionism, crimes against humanity, etc.

I read your post and its deflection. Holder was the Attorney General and Obama is the head of the executive branch, together they set the trend of whats going to be presecuted, what financial area resources will be concentrated on, not anyone else. Obama could easily kill that if he wanted to, but you will not hold him accountable and its BS.

Who said there wasn't black gay people? A strawman from a Obama shill.

Gays make up 3% of the population, black americans make up 13% of the population. Obama goes out of his way to tell black americans don't expect anything of me because I"m president of everyone. But uses all his power and pull to aide zionist and the LGBT sects who are smaller combined than black americans.

You haven't corrected anything I've said though, what you have done is seek to deflect and take blame off Obama for things in his power to control.


The Chosen 1
May 2, 2012
I'm all for reasonable criticism of Obama but this is more on Congress than anything.

You're naive if you think the GOP was going to ever let Obama do something specifically aimed at helping black people. It sucks that that's how the world is, but it's true.

TLR Is Mental Poison

The Coli Is Not For You
May 3, 2012
The Opposite Of Elliott Wilson's Mohawk
How do u close a 400 year gap in 4-8 :dahell:

And Obama let everyone below the upper class down. He should have focused on solutions for everybody as like @acri1 said there's no way in hell the GOP would draft laws helping blacks. Then again the executive action he took mainly benefitted Latinos :francis:


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
Don't know and don't care. I know my two senators and my state's representative
Sessions and Shelby and in Martha Roby's district.
and wheres their legislation for obama to sign?

Cause by many estimates, he's OVERSTEPPED his legal boundaries of his role as the executive.

...wait...Shelby and Sessions? :dead:

You live in Alabama? :mjlol:

No wonder Obama's blessings ain't reach you :russ:


Dec 2, 2015
and wheres their legislation for obama to sign?

Cause by many estimates, he's OVERSTEPPED his legal boundaries of his role as the executive.

...wait...Shelby and Sessions? :dead:

You live in Alabama? :mjlol:

No wonder Obama's blessings ain't reach you :russ:

Obama doesn't need to sign any legislation to exercise his executive authority in halting spending for anything of the organizations under his direct control. That includes grants, that includes informing the AG of what to make a priority in prosecuting or not.

The funny thing is you are right, he has largely overstepped his powers, but I'm only holding him responsible for he could have done with his constitutional powers.

What are the Obama blessings you are talking about? Increasing my insurance premium?

Worthless Loser

Oct 3, 2015
Admittedly, there is one major initiative that the Obama administration has inaugurated that is black-specific, but it is the exception that proves the rule. It exposes all the issues at play. My Brother’s Keeper is a program premised on the view that young black men constitute a social problem and need interventions that will alter their outlook and actions. The focus is on reforming young men rather than directly increasing the resources possessed by and the constraints faced by their families and themselves. Again, the underlying ideological motivation is the belief in black cultural deficiency, and, again, this type of initiative is another expression of failure to pursue bold policies that confront the fundamental causes of racial disparity in American society.
This dude is a fukking clown.

I really, really hate when black people try to make super smart ass articles to criticize Obama when they don't even sound right. You mise well sit in the same building as the white supremacists who do the same thing from a different viewpoint.


Hale End
Jan 17, 2013
The Arsenal
How do u close a 400 year gap in 4-8 :dahell:

And Obama let everyone below the upper class down. He should have focused on solutions for everybody as like @acri1 said there's no way in hell the GOP would draft laws helping blacks. Then again the executive action he took mainly benefitted Latinos :francis:
which one? the one that was never implemented because texas and other right wing states sued?