how far back are you trying to go in ancient egypt? 2000BC? 10,000BC? even further?
yo that dude does not look healthy
This is what I mean, by the time persian's took over Egypt, the culture that built the pyramids and came out with all the science was already
a thing of the past. You have to understand that Egypt had become a multiculture place before the persian's conquered it.
.Also Persian back then
more mostly african, some africans identify themselves as persian's even today, but that is a different issue.
So when the honkeys came Alexander, and took it from the persians, your even further from the said culture.
When you're dealing with such a long period or time, its hard to get a scope of things, the only compass is the stuff on the walls these people life behind
which there is still a lot to be discovered and lot people just don't understand.
This is how these honkeys try to lay claim to Egypt, they bring up Cleopatra who was half greek, but in actuality she probably looked more
asiatic than anything. The records say she refused to speak egyptian even thought she knew it, but its just false, she didn't know how to speak egyptian because there was nobody around to translate, thats why till this day we use the greek names for everything concerning egypt. Also they mimiced the ancient egyptians fro what they learned from the temples and walls.
some of the most recent discovered words of names of Gods are still debated over how they are suppose to be pronounced, its believed these names holy power.
You have to ask yourself, if egypt was annexed with persia why weren't their building any monuments and pyramids,
why didn't the greek build any pyramids, they didn't know how, the people who did were long gone before they came around