You DO know I'm a former "Israelite", right?
Do you wanna start with the historically inaccurate books they read?
Or shall we talk about their blatant distorting of passages using the horrible translations in the KJV.
Lamentations 5:10
Our skin has become black like an oven, from the burning of the famine.
^The passage In Hebrew
The word there isn't black, but rather hot (Kamar)
The passage in all versions of the bible reads
Our skin has become HOT like an oven, from the burning of the famine.
How about their whole Esau doctrine?
Like I said, you are clueless.
You were never a former Hebrew Israelite, you're a CAC trying to lead Blacks from the truth. Oh yeah, famine doesn't cause your skin to become hot, your temperature drops. Try another lie devil.
"The body temperature begins to fall in the first day of the period of starvation, and continues falling, so that a loss of ten or more degrees below the normal of 98.60 F. may occur."
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