I didn't mind that Key & Peele skits escalated. Only a few got old (The Airplane Turbulence skit got dragged out way longer than it should have).
The "I said biiiiiitch" skit was exaggerated intentionally. Them going up into space is apart of the joke; they can't escape their wives. That's where the high production value benefits Key & Peele.
Same with the air hump touchdown celebration skit. The flashy camera angles and onscreen graphics make it even more hilarious than it would have been.
I see why people like Chapelle's Show more. But for some reason, it's more hit or miss for me. I feel like when Chapelle's Show hits, it might have more raw funnyness than K&P. But K&P is more consistent. There's a lot of Chapelle's Show episodes where some of the skits are forgettable. As where with K&P, there's a LOT I can remember off the top of my head.
I definitely understand why people Chapelle's Show feels more "hip-hop" ish though. But I think you guys sell K&P a little short in that regards - they definitely had a few skits that might make white people more upset if anything.
But yeah, they are different styles. They aren't really trying to do the same thing. K&P goes for what are essentially mini-movies/mini-stories, hence why they drag the jokes and have high production values. Chapelle's Show is supposed to read more like banter that you might have with your boys when you're chilling or eating lunch, or like a quick roast session (hence why they don't get dragged out as much).