Aries Spears is a herb but he was right to point up that K&P were kinda making a black comedy show for white people and a lot of it has to do with them both being bi-racial. They're less likable to a lot of people, especially black people because their comedy isn't really grounded in black culture. Dave, even with him being from the burbs and having understanding and inroads to the same white audience, his comedy was Hip Hop at it's core and you could argue that he himself is an MC (not a rapper, but an MC).
K&P got more in common with Patton Oswalt than Dave Chappelle, comedically.
Their perspective as growing up bi-racial kids dictates a hell of a whole lot how they think, write and what they wanted to express with their show, which is awesome, but unsurprisingly shows a bit of disconnect from black culture.
That's one of my favorite sketches from them, it's absurdist, corny, clearly geared toward/making fun of pretentious white people at art exhibits lol.
Could Kevin "get away" that sketch? As in, would people 'get it' and find it funny? These nikkas opened that episode joking about touching each others dikks lol, meanwhile Dave is telling people he stopped smoking weed with white boys to keep them from engaging in dikknanigans lol