I could/should write an Urban Farming Diet and Econonic Plan that if followed could build an economy for a black district/hood that would be successful within 3-6 months and permanently change the health and socioeconomic position of the residents. Making the area a prominent black area nationally. Farming is the only way to get out of our position and until we do that we will never win. Nothing has proven to work except farming. Control your food and control everything else. Period. That's why you have these chinks come in a sell you shytty food has you sick and aimless while buffering you from the cacs. Just changing diets changes the opportunities. If we drop pork and replace it with tomatoes, then you have an entire industry to jump start. Just from that act. You have to the choice to invest in Urban Farming materials/manufacturing. Stakes, zip ties, cages, hoses, buckets, green houses, water systems, piping, soil, fertilizers, fencing etc. That's a lot of money being moved and very quickly. After you got farmers and materials. Now you need advertisers, classes, health lectures, training centers, store fronts, conventions etc. But we need them 10,000 fearless to make it happen. Put your money and research where your mouth is or don't ever fix your lips to complain about a cac if you not producing like a REAL black man.