Honestly brehs, can women really be THAT bad?!


Free Sheist
May 1, 2012
We've all dealt with women in one way or another; some of us are happily married after learning what it takes to make a relationship work. Some of us are out here in the game feasting or in a drought. Some of us are in relationships, taking it day by day just trying to make it happen; dealing with the nuances both good and bad as they present themselves.

We all have our differences with the women. We might feel theyre immature, annoying, irrational, selfish or whatever it may be but brehs, they probably feel the same way about us. They surely do. We cant forget that the way things are (although a little worse now) are simply a product of nature so theres no reason to really look that deep into it or let it frustrate you but instead adapt and learn from it so future encounters are more fulfilling. The same goes for you ladies.

Every now and then I see couples holding hands, looking pleasant, basking in each others presence and it kinda makes you wonder: behind closed doors is it nothing but bickering and mind games? It cant be in each case right? At work and around the way I communicate with women and while there are many birds there is also a great deal that are genuinely good people it seems. Anything they or we do when it comes to relationships ....we cant really help it. This is something I learned a long time ago during my first break up to prevent me from being "bitter". It's just a shame that the scales seem lopsided nowadays. What do you guys think? Will the war ever end or is the future family and relationship dynamic doomed as we know it?


Then again...I cant think of many reasons besides p*ssy that make a women worth the hassle for most dudes. Companionship? Bragging rights? :patrice:.


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
A lot of the problem is 'the system.' A lot of men and women started off on decent enough terms, but for some reason or another, things went sour, and the guy got tore up in divorce court. Most women are cool as long as you know the proper context to deal with them in and you constantly watch the capacity in which you allow her to enter your life. Marrying a woman that is not marriage material or making minor miscalculations can set you back for a very long time.


I đź’—My Tribal Chief
Jun 8, 2012
A lot of the problem is 'the system.' A lot of men and women started off on decent enough terms, but for some reason or another, things went sour, and the guy got tore up in divorce court. Most women are cool as long as you know the proper context to deal with them in and you constantly watch the capacity in which you allow her to enter your life. Marrying a woman that is not marriage material or making minor miscalculations can set you back for a very long time.

I hate to come at you. You seem to be well versed in the subject.

Hear me out, dou';

It can't be the divorce court. Most these coli dudes ain't there and not even in the direction of a aisle and ring.

These dudes live vicariously thru the lives of billionaires and millionaires who lose finances to the women they were supposed to be one with...

...meaning, that money no more belongs to them, than the women, in the traditional we-are-one idea of marriage.

It seems dudes are aimlessly after sex and trying to use sex as a foundation of a relationship. When sex is as much a ridiculous emotion as the pain and discomfort of a period making a women act mean towards men.

Marriage comes into the picture when we're future-planning and can't see the big deal when ppl are sharing homes and making children without it. You don't even need another women to have a baby--that's not a shot @ adoption (beautiful thing, IMO). Not to mention a lot of us can't see a monogamous relationship to one women 'til death. We wanna make money and hold on to it for dear life. We're sold the dream of riches. Dudes making 10 a hour reaction indigently to Tiger's situation because, in their minds, they'll be chasing billions one day.

Really, it's a lot of chaos disguised as "options." It's driving all of us mad.


52 Years Young
May 28, 2012
We've all dealt with women in one way or another; some of us are happily married after learning what it takes to make a relationship work. Some of us are out here in the game feasting or in a drought. Some of us are in relationships, taking it day by day just trying to make it happen; dealing with the nuances both good and bad as they present themselves.

We all have our differences with the women. We might feel theyre immature, annoying, irrational, selfish or whatever it may be but brehs, they probably feel the same way about us. They surely do. We cant forget that the way things are (although a little worse now) are simply a product of nature so theres no reason to really look that deep into it or let it frustrate you but instead adapt and learn from it so future encounters are more fulfilling. The same goes for you ladies.

Every now and then I see couples holding hands, looking pleasant, basking in each others presence and it kinda makes you wonder: behind closed doors is it nothing but bickering and mind games? It cant be in each case right? At work and around the way I communicate with women and while there are many birds there is also a great deal that are genuinely good people it seems. Anything they or we do when it comes to relationships ....we cant really help it. This is something I learned a long time ago during my first break up to prevent me from being "bitter". It's just a shame that the scales seem lopsided nowadays. What do you guys think? Will the war ever end or is the future family and relationship dynamic doomed as we know it?


Then again...I cant think of many reasons besides p*ssy that make a women worth the hassle for most dudes. Companionship? Bragging rights? :patrice:.
The moment I decided I'm no longer interested in perusing sex indefenetly I quit dealing with all nonrelated women outside of work. Honestly there's nothing a woman can provide any man that he actually needs.


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
I hate to come at you. You seem to be well versed in the subject.

Hear me out, dou';

It can't be the divorce court. Most these coli dudes ain't there and not even in the direction of a aisle and ring.

These dudes live vicariously thru the lives of billionaires and millionaires who lose finances to the women they were supposed to be one with...

...meaning, that money no more belongs to them, than the women, in the traditional we-are-one idea of marriage.

It seems dudes are aimlessly after sex and trying to use sex as a foundation of a relationship. When sex is as much a ridiculous emotion as the pain and discomfort of a period making a women act mean towards men.

Marriage comes into the picture when we're future-planning and can't see the big deal when ppl are sharing homes and making children without it. You don't even need another women to have a baby--that's not a shot @ adoption (beautiful thing, IMO). Not to mention a lot of us can't see a monogamous relationship to one women 'til death. We wanna make money and hold on to it for dear life. We're sold the dream of riches. Dudes making 10 a hour reaction indigently to Tiger's situation because, in their minds, they'll be chasing billions one day.

Really, it's a lot of chaos disguised as "options." It's driving all of us mad.

I don't trip over someone disagreeing with my opinion, especially in a respectful fashion.

The system IS a huge part. The system referring to the whole of society, including the media. We have media constantly promoting promiscuity programming and telling women it's alright to sleep around. We have this strong feminist push against 'slut-shaming' and 'empowering' women to sleep with as many guys as possible without guilt. We have a court system that will completely decimate a man if he makes the wrong move... the kids will be taken from him, the house will likely be ripped from him that he will still have to pay the mortgage on and he will be forced to pay alimony, child support, etc. When you have people programmed to be promiscuous and accept the mentality that 'it isn't cheating if they don't find out about it' and then you have a system that destroys one party no matter if the other side was at fault or not, it makes it VERY difficult to want to get married. Getting blown up in divorce court is MORE dangerous for a middle income man because he can't afford it as well as a rich man could.

I'm not saying only women cheat, but I'm speaking from the perspective of a man looking to find a woman to settle with for the long-term. There are a ton of scumbag dudes out there, but I'll leave that for a woman to speak on from her perspective.


the heir apparent
Jun 21, 2012
The moment I decided I'm no longer interested in perusing sex indefenetly I quit dealing with all nonrelated women outside of work. Honestly there's nothing a woman can provide any man that he actually needs.

This is absolutely true. I love and respect women just like I do everybody but I personally dont have that much in common with most of them. Theres a reason I have a lot of female acquaintances and none of them are actually my friends :ld:


Newly-wed :blessed:
May 16, 2013
The moment I decided I'm no longer interested in perusing sex indefenetly I quit dealing with all nonrelated women outside of work. Honestly there's nothing a woman can provide any man that he actually needs.


so you have decided never to have sex again with a woman for the rest of your life ?



Newly-wed :blessed:
May 16, 2013
OP speak for yourself, I love my woman. :ehh:

She gives me great sex and is also a very good friend :ehh:


52 Years Young
May 28, 2012
This is absolutely true. I love and respect women just like I do everybody but I personally dont have that much in common with most of them. Theres a reason I have a lot of female acquaintances and none of them are actually my friends :ld:

I have nothing against women personally but I feel that a high number of them are morally bankrupt. they're constantly looking for something for nothing and feel that as women they should be provided for just because they're female.

the number of them that are morally bankrupt is so high that its not worth looking for one that isn't that way. women for the most part will do whatever you let them get away with and if you don't let them get away with anything they'll use deception and attempt to con you into doing what they want.

many of them lack base concepts like integrity and loyalty. they're constantly on the lookout for a sucker and if you aren't willing to knowingly play they role they'll fukk you and play the girlfriend role and just fukk around on you behind your back and turn you into an unknowing sucker.

for many women men are a source of entertainment. their lives are boring so they place much of their expectation for mystery, thrills, enjoyment, and entertainment on the shoulders of a man. when your entertainment value drops off they'll look elsewhere for thrills.

sex is their ultimate leverage against men but i look at sex and see it for what it is. an activity that inherently carries the risk of ruining you as a man. child support and custody battles, diseases, financial drain. why put effort into an activity that the more i have it the higher the chances my quality of life will take a nose dive.

the average woman brings nothing more than an undeserved sense of entitlement, an attitude, and p*ssy to the table. once you get past the p*ssy what's really left?


52 Years Young
May 28, 2012

so you have decided never to have sex again with a woman for the rest of your life ?

it is what it is. the last time i had sex was about a year ago and ever since then i haven't felt compelled to peruse it. pretty much all the sex i've had was raw and i've been lucky to have no kids or diseases but i don't feel like pressing that luck any further.

part of it is if i can't have unprotected sex then the activity is worthless to me. honestly i'd rather jack off than fukk with a condom on and not using a condom is too irresponsible to be doing. i can't nut with a condom every time i've had sex with one on i just end up losing my erection after a while.


All Star
May 5, 2012
I'm 100% I've read ole boy say he was asexual before on here.

Unless I've mixed him up with someone else....


I may have mentioned something like that in the past, but not that I actually AM...but I'm damn near...