Peter Popoff
Baba Yega in black uptowns
I can't even fathom or imagine losing mine. My condolences fam!
R.I.P. to your Queen. God is with her.

Wow! Shock is all I feel. Ray, I love you brotha. Praying for you, your family, her soul. May ya'll connect again in Heaven. Wow!My wife passed earlier today and I just feel numb. She was 34 and was diagnosed with the flu yesterday. I came home to find her dead and I’m just hurt, angry, blaming myself.
I was talking with her between patients and she was fine and now this happened…telling my 9 and 4 year old is a permanent scar on my mental that will never pass…so again, you just never know make sure you hold your loved ones just a little bit tighter tonight…