HISTORY IS MADE , Ketanji Brown Jackson has been confirmed by the senate to the Supreme Court


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
People didn’t read the case. The lawsuit would have removed the chance for any claimant to ever sue again


Opinion: Did Ketanji Brown Jackson rule against Black workers? It’s not so simple.
By Kenneth W. Mack
Andre M. Davis

February 21, 2022 at 1:04 p.m. EST
By Kenneth W. Mack
Andre M. Davis

February 21, 2022 at 1:04 p.m. EST
Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson poses for a portrait Feb. 18. (Jacquelyn Martin/AP)
Kenneth W. Mack is a professor of law and history at Harvard University and the author of “Representing the Race: The Creation of the Civil Rights Lawyer.” Andre M. Davis is a former judge on the U. S. Court of Appeals for the 4th Circuit.

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As President Biden prepares to nominate the first Black woman to the Supreme Court, it’s worth pausing to consider the story of Constance Baker Motley, the first African American woman appointed to the federal bench. In 1975, Motley presided over a case in which a White woman, Diane Blank, had filed a class-action suit against the law firm Sullivan & Cromwell for sex discrimination.

As the historian Tomiko Brown-Nagin recounts in her recent biography of Motley, the firm’s attorney asked Motley to recuse herself because of bias — supposedly proved by Motley’s ruling certifying the case as a class action and undergirded by the notion that, as a Black woman and a former civil rights lawyer, she likely sympathized with those who suffered race or sex discrimination. Motley refused, and the case was settled.

In Motley’s case — as with other early Black federal judges who faced similar recusal motions— the presumption of bias turned out to be false. Of course she brought her experiences as a Black woman and a civil rights lawyer with her to the bench. But those experiences didn’t dictate which way she would rule. In fact, Motley’s record shows she was more likely to rule against, rather than for, those with discrimination claims.

Motley’s experience should make us cautious about assuming what the first Black female Supreme Court nominee — whomever that turns out to be — would do as a justice. We know from experience that Black judges — like White judges — fit into no predetermined model. After all, Justice Clarence Thomas replaced Thurgood Marshall on the Supreme Court.

Now, in a modern twist on the story of Motley and the discrimination lawsuit, a Black former judge has criticized one potential nominee, Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit for supposedly betraying a class of Black Lockheed Martin workers — by disapproving a proposed settlement when she was a district court judge.

In a letter to Biden, former district judge U.W. Clemon of Alabama asserted that Jackson should not be selected because she has not done enough “for the cause of justice and equality.” Clemon said that her decision to disapprove of the settlement is “a bell sounding the alarm that if Judge Jackson is appointed to the Supreme Court, simple justice and equality in the workplace will be sacrificed.” Clemon, in the letter, challenged several of her procedural decisions in the case but took most direct aim at her rejection of the settlement.

The Lockheed Martin case was a class-action suit in which the plaintiffs claimed to represent more than 5,500 current and former Black Lockheed employees. Because it was a class action, Jackson had a duty to protect the interests of the Black workers who were not in court but who would still be bound by the terms of the settlement. Clemon is listed as counsel to the firm that brought the case.

Jackson found in 2017 that the proposed class did not satisfy what is called the “commonality” requirement, which is designed to ensure that there is enough overlap between all the class members’ claims for it to make sense to resolve them all together. In doing so, she was applying a 2011 — and controversial — Supreme Court decision about employment discrimination class actions. The problem with the settlement, Jackson concluded, was that the proposed class of Lockheed employees “encompasse[d] individuals with widely varying experiences of discrimination.”

Jackson also ruled that the proposed settlement was not fair, reasonable and adequate because many Black employees would be abandoning potential discrimination claims without knowing what they were giving up and what monetary compensation or other relief they were likely to get in return. Every one of Lockheed’s Black employees would have had to give up all rights to sue the company for any kind of past discrimination to obtain a settlement in this one particular case, which challenged one particular employment practice of the company. Jackson believed that trade-off was unfair.

Does this indicate that Jackson is biased against, or for, Black plaintiffs or claims of workplace discrimination? At worst, Jackson seems to have been protecting one group of Black Lockheed employees from having their interests sacrificed for those of another group of Black employees. The history of African American federal judges, and of worries that they might be biased in discrimination cases, should lead one to be humble about drawing such broad conclusions, based on limited proof, about what a Black female justice is likely to do on the court.

A Black female justice will be an immensely powerful symbol of the past and future of this county, as Motley and her generation of judges knew all too well. We should expect great things of those who carry such symbolic weight on their shoulders. But we should expect, as well, the same things of them that we expect of any other judge — absent clear evidence to the contrary.

An earlier version of this column gave the wrong year for a Supreme Court decision, "Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. v. Dukes." The decision was made in 2011. This version has been corrected.


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Op-ed shoots down criticism of SCOTUS nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson for ruling against class of Black workers

Op-ed shoots down criticism of SCOTUS nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson for ruling against class of Black workers
By Debra Cassens Weiss

February 23, 2022, 10:37 am CST

Supreme Court Nominations


U.S. Circuit Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit. File photo from the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia.

Updated: A Harvard Law School professor and a former federal appeals judge are pushing back against criticism of U.S. Supreme Court nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson for a ruling that she made in a lawsuit by a group of Black workers suing Lockheed Martin, a security and aerospace company, for alleged discrimination.

President Joe Biden announced Friday morning that he will nominate Jackson to the Supreme Court.

Jackson is currently a judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit. In an op-ed for the Washington Post, Harvard law and history professor Kenneth W. Mack and former Judge Andre M. Davis of the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals at Richmond, Virginia, defended Jackson for the ruling that she made as a district court judge.

Jackson was reportedly one of three potential Supreme Court nominees interviewed by President Joe Biden, according to reports based on anonymous sources by the Washington Post, the New York Times and CNN via How Appealing. The others were U.S. District Judge J. Michelle Childs and California Supreme Court Justice Leondra Kruger.

BREAKING NEWS: Biden nominates Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson to the US Supreme Court

In the 2017 decision, Jackson refused to certify a proposed class of more than 5,500 current and former Black employees at Lockheed. Jackson ruled that the proposed class didn’t satisfy the requirement for commonality because the members of the proposed class had varying experiences of discrimination.

Jackson also said the proposed $22.8 million settlement wasn’t fair and adequate because Black employees who didn’t opt out would be required to release all legal claims against Lockheed without knowing the amount that they would receive in return. Individuals who remained in the case but didn’t fill out a claim form wouldn’t receive any settlement money while also giving up their right to sue for discrimination. :wow:

Criticizing that decision, retired District Judge U.W. Clemon of Alabama said in a letter to Biden that Jackson’s decisions in the case are “a bell sounding the alarm that if Judge Jackson is appointed to the Supreme Court, simple justice and equality in the workplace will be sacrificed.” The case was Ross v. Lockheed Martin.

Clemon said Jackson not only “gave the ax to a settlement designed to benefit numerous Black workers,” she also refused to allow the Black workers to take discovery of Lockheed’s books and records to prove class action status. She also effectively denied the plaintiffs’ right to appeal by taking 54 days to issue her order denying class certification, Clemon said.

In their op-ed, Mack and Davis pointed out that Clemon is listed as of counsel to the law firm that sued on behalf of the workers. They also said Jackson had a duty to protect the interests of Black workers who would be bound by the settlement.

Does the decision indicate that Jackson is biased? Mack and Davis don’t think so.

“At worst, Jackson seems to have been protecting one group of Black Lockheed employees from having their interests sacrificed for those of another group of Black employees,” Mack and Davis wrote. “The history of African American federal judges, and of worries that they might be biased in discrimination cases, should lead one to be humble about drawing such broad conclusions, based on limited proof, about what a Black female justice is likely to do on the court.”


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State

I just don't understand how this makes sense when blacks are literally benefitting from numerous federal programs.

If tangible means money, Blacks are definitely getting tangibles
What does Tariq think will happen when reparations are challenged in the Supreme Court? :pachaha:

Does he want Justice Alito ruling on this? :mindblown:


Aug 10, 2012
You asking me questions when you still haven’t answered why if someone is lynching you, the NEXT BEST MOVE is to live amongst and with the people doing that?

And then you say “Idk how it broke the community” when since desegregation you haven’t seen a black walstreet. That’s even with today having the internet, social media and greater connectivity then those times, you’re not seeing it any closer to being recreated. It should be even EASIER to do today than it was back then yet nothing?

So you’re arguing that to stop someone from lynching you, you have to go be his neighbor?

That’s the question y’all keep ignoring. If someone is oppressing and hurting you, why is your solution, even today, to move next to them? I’m not knocking the people of that time trying anything and everything to stop what was going on at the time (and continues in some ways today). But today? When you can look back and evaluate everything? That’s something you have to answer.
You didn’t answer any of the questions.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
She ruled against Black workers getting a settlement from Lockheed because the workers had "varying levels of discrimination." No one ever got paid because of that. It is very hard for individuals to sue a big company, so you have class action lawsuits. That was as anti-Black as it gets. And apparently, that wasn't the only case where she screwed Black people over. Supreme Court nominee Jackson rarely ruled for plaintiffs in bias cases

She was chosen for a reason. White husband? Check. Rarely ever ruling in favor of Black people? Check. That's downright biased.
People didn't read Judge Ketanji Brown-Jackson's Lockheed discrimination case