Hip Hop wont be able to survive the Gay Agenda


so this were u dudes went
May 9, 2012
300 murders a year
:snoop: lord yall nikkas are ignorant

Why in god's fukk would anyone ever CHOOSE to be gay, with full knowledge of the backlash and bullshyt they have to deal with?

It's a genetic trait brah, just because some dudes were confused and fukk a few women doesn't mean they weren't gay their entire life.

pedo's get beat til the white meat in prison they continue to prey on little children

crack heads get clowned by everybody in the hood and get disowned by family and friends yet they still shoot and snort the dope

when you have a sickness, you have that sickness. every human being has that demon they must face for the entirety of they existence, its what keeps humans within balance

the problem with most homo's is that they are within this losing battle with this demonic force birthed from improper education of human nature and they like the crack heads who make excuses on why they smoke dope, the pedo who blames they upbringing on why they lust for children, homo's convince themselves this is just how they are created. then act as if they have stumbled upon some new found revelation on life that has surpassed the wisdom of the original creator of nature itself. well you havent, the sickness has always existed because humans are built rebel on standards and challenge the norm. the reason most of these people have sex with the opposite sex is because they were equally as curious to test that part of they lust as well as them testing the side of homosexuality. quit with the peer pressure dude. they wanted to know how it felt lol

upbringing, education, all these things factor into why people fall into the the struggles they endure. but genetic, nah, if it was that then it wouldnt be recovering homos who realized they were just acting out in freakishness. every homo could stop, but just like a dope addict they fear the loss of what satisfies they lust. just like dope addicts dont want to stop getting high.

humans are flawed by nature, every human will try something out of they nature, thats evolution of nature itself, but it dont mean its right. just mean its a ton of people that need proper education on the knowledge and potential of human beings. we are made to be more than just freaks satisfying our lust. and thats all homosexuality is. just because some people slap a gay pride parade on it dont mean its any more than that.


Jun 22, 2012
Hip Hop has become a contradictory of it's self. Thus the most potent rappers/artists are associating their work now more with house and techno forms of music. Theres only so much you can do with music for the "black club scene". Culturally us as African Americans are at a stand still, we are not moving forward in any areas of what we do. We went from gospel, blues, jazz, rock and roll, soul, r&b and hip hop, we have not found that creative spark to move us forward entertainment wise. We are more universal than ever, we have let anybody in and take whats ours? Don't think so? Ask Gordy what he did with Motown records? We are brought up to to wanting to be accepted and move to the suburbs rather than needing to be ourselves. As far as that gay agenda, being gay is the "cool" thing now. Due to the 2000 Disney/The N tv shows that showed kids how to be gay low key has started a confusion. Five years from now this gay thing will not be as popular as how it is now.


West Coast Legend
May 26, 2012
pedo's get beat til the white meat in prison they continue to prey on little children

crack heads get clowned by everybody in the hood and get disowned by family and friends yet they still shoot and snort the dope

when you have a sickness, you have that sickness. every human being has that demon they must face for the entirety of they existence, its what keeps humans within balance

the problem with most homo's is that they are within this losing battle with this demonic force birthed from improper education of human nature and they like the crack heads who make excuses on why they smoke dope, the pedo who blames they upbringing on why they lust for children, homo's convince themselves this is just how they are created. then act as if they have stumbled upon some new found revelation on life that has surpassed the wisdom of the original creator of nature itself. well you havent, the sickness has always existed because humans are built rebel on standards and challenge the norm. the reason most of these people have sex with the opposite sex is because they were equally as curious to test that part of they lust as well as them testing the side of homosexuality. quit with the peer pressure dude. they wanted to know how it felt lol

upbringing, education, all these things factor into why people fall into the the struggles they endure. but genetic, nah, if it was that then it wouldnt be recovering homos who realized they were just acting out in freakishness. every homo could stop, but just like a dope addict they fear the loss of what satisfies they lust. just like dope addicts dont want to stop getting high.

humans are flawed by nature, every human will try something out of they nature, thats evolution of nature itself, but it dont mean its right. just mean its a ton of people that need proper education on the knowledge and potential of human beings. we are made to be more than just freaks satisfying our lust. and thats all homosexuality is. just because some people slap a gay pride parade on it dont mean its any more than that.

:flabbynsick: get out of here with that fake Princeton University act :heh::heh:

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
pedo's get beat til the white meat in prison they continue to prey on little children

crack heads get clowned by everybody in the hood and get disowned by family and friends yet they still shoot and snort the dope

when you have a sickness, you have that sickness. every human being has that demon they must face for the entirety of they existence, its what keeps humans within balance

the problem with most homo's is that they are within this losing battle with this demonic force birthed from improper education of human nature and they like the crack heads who make excuses on why they smoke dope, the pedo who blames they upbringing on why they lust for children, homo's convince themselves this is just how they are created. then act as if they have stumbled upon some new found revelation on life that has surpassed the wisdom of the original creator of nature itself. well you havent, the sickness has always existed because humans are built rebel on standards and challenge the norm. the reason most of these people have sex with the opposite sex is because they were equally as curious to test that part of they lust as well as them testing the side of homosexuality. quit with the peer pressure dude. they wanted to know how it felt lol

upbringing, education, all these things factor into why people fall into the the struggles they endure. but genetic, nah, if it was that then it wouldnt be recovering homos who realized they were just acting out in freakishness. every homo could stop, but just like a dope addict they fear the loss of what satisfies they lust. just like dope addicts dont want to stop getting high.

humans are flawed by nature, every human will try something out of they nature, thats evolution of nature itself, but it dont mean its right. just mean its a ton of people that need proper education on the knowledge and potential of human beings. we are made to be more than just freaks satisfying our lust. and thats all homosexuality is. just because some people slap a gay pride parade on it dont mean its any more than that.

prolific posting!!

art barr


May 1, 2012
We survived the agenda to get ignorance, violence, and black on black crime glorified over Political Statements, Social Commentary, and higher thinking

We survived the Agenda to put Style, Flash, Swag, and Bling over Substance and artistry

We survived the Agenda to push c00nish dances and snap rapping over thoughtful and creative lyrics

We'll survive the Homo Agenda. Hip Hop is bigger than what the "powers that be" want it to be degragated into

:ohhh: Preach :clap::clap:


May 1, 2012
One person (who doesn't even rap) comes out and it's an "agenda?"

Heaven forbid a RAPPER come out. You guys might don't make it.


May 1, 2012
Hip Hop has become a contradictory of it's self. Thus the most potent rappers/artists are associating their work now more with house and techno forms of music. Theres only so much you can do with music for the "black club scene". Culturally us as African Americans are at a stand still, we are not moving forward in any areas of what we do. We went from gospel, blues, jazz, rock and roll, soul, r&b and hip hop, we have not found that creative spark to move us forward entertainment wise. We are more universal than ever, we have let anybody in and take whats ours? Don't think so? Ask Gordy what he did with Motown records? We are brought up to to wanting to be accepted and move to the suburbs rather than needing to be ourselves. As far as that gay agenda, being gay is the "cool" thing now. Due to the 2000 Disney/The N tv shows that showed kids how to be gay low key has started a confusion. Five years from now this gay thing will not be as popular as how it is now.
Its a lot of yes men in the industry. Who are way more concerned with making a buck then progressing the hiphop culture. Its been like that for years. All these trends going back and forth. We had consciousness and awareness to lyricism to partyin to gangsta rap to flashiness to homoish emo music. I wonder where it's gonna go from here. It's so much good music out there that dont get recognized. Hopefully people can wake up and support talent. And stop giving these lazy fukks a push.

you're NOT "n!ggas"

FKA ciroq drobama
May 1, 2012
Astronomy (8th light)
its supposedly alotta nikkas rappin already thats gay... word to pimp c and others. it just a matter of time before somebody finally is bold enough to step out the closet. *looks at drake* :usure:


Retired Legend
Apr 30, 2012
One person (who doesn't even rap) comes out and it's an "agenda?"

Heaven forbid a RAPPER come out. You guys might don't make it.

and the funny thing about it is he didnt do it for publicity :heh: nikkas on here is clowns b.
May 31, 2012
Why are we acting like the dudes who made the first widely known rap song werent wearing tightass shirts and bell bottom jeans? nikkas have been soft in hip hop aint nothing new. NWA and Ice didnt start hip hop people stop acting as if gangsta rap was the norm. shyt was always about money swagger and expensive shyt so to complain about hip hop deteriorating because of whatit was based off is ironic.