half man half bearpig
The one with Ross gets play
It's a great song lyrically and a breath of fresh air, to bad rock Ross fat ass jumped on the remix and rapped about the exact opposite of what the song is about
Its pretty much a song dissing every other song that comes on urban radio
Lol the funny thing is that she's shytting on all the hiphop they are playing
I'm guiltySounds like you just described the standard radio rap song.
you know we odn't listen to music. we just respond to the beats and the words they got us programmed to respond to.
people still listen to radio..?
That song is entirely overrated, but she threw some hip-hop production behind a catchy pop-tune with a basic critique and there you go.
I don't even remember now. I think it was well before I changed my name and it was better-worded then. But I can repeat it.Can you link to the post you mentioned in your message where you go into detail about the song?
she's basically shytting on rap culture in the song.
gotta love rappers remixing it and missing the point. That shyt is about throwing consumerism into the bushes and just being yourself, a message you almost never hear on urban radio these days...
Thrift Shop talked about the same thing. I'm surprised we don't hear more songs like this considering how much the economy sucked over the last few years.