Hillary Clinton: "All Lives Matter"

Dameon Farrow

Jan 19, 2014
not surprised the CLINTONS fooled black for years into thinking they were "cool"

*Bill Clinton pioneered the GENTRIFICATION of urban centers of US CITIES like cleaveland, Detroit, ..Chitown etc.with his URAN RENEWEL PLAN (get the broke darkies out and move in some civil white taxpayers) .......we saw the sigs when he placed his office in the middle of Harlem

*Bill Clinton commenting on OBAMA victory in the SC primary stated sarcastically..."well go figure JESSE JACKSON won South Carolina in 84 and 88"......

*Hillary Clinton spearheaded the destcrution of LIBYA and ASSASINATION OF OMAR KHADAFI.....in exchange for shares of stock in CHEVRON OIL....and to strengthen her status with the globalists and private bankers when KHADAFI implemented a plan to provide water (free of private sector intrests) to all of AFRICA and told the US to go fukk themselves cause he wasn't accepting any US DOLLARS for OIL....HE WANTED gold instead
Clintons were full of shyt going back to the Arkansas days. Anybody calling Bill Clinton the First Black President is a fukkboi plain and simple. Even as a kid that shyt didn't sit right with me...

Also notice nikkas glossed over your post. Can't say nothing bad about the Good White Folk Clinton family. Pretty sure it was Malcolm X that said the White Liberal is the worst because they put on a facade.