Higher Learning Worst Poster of the Year Award

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Theological Noncognitivist Since Birth
Jul 25, 2012
The Wrong Side of the Tracks


Jun 4, 2012
You think MA makes you bullet-proof..........:laff::laff::laff:

Like Bruce said: Boards don't hit back.​
I don't think MA makes u bullet proof... You brought up being stronger.. I said "no- you are a weak non fighting lil bytch who can't defend yourself" u then said bullets. And I don't hit boards fakkit, You really know nothing about fighting I see.

LOL, you're gonna put a 'hit' on someone because they destroy your lame arguments on a message-board. What are you, 12? This isn't Grand Theft Auto.​
I'm not going to put a hit out- I mentioned it because your punk ass mentioned how u would run to the police if u got scared.... You're the one bringing up restraining orders and guns. I'm 30, and I've never played GTA.

First, you're gonna send some 'goons' to get me, now, you're talking about firing on the range, but haven't said what weapon you've fired.
BB/Pellet guns/Super Soakers and sling shots don't count.
We shoot all sorts of weapons... Not on some thug life shyt --- IT'S A Hobby.
Being in the military before or after college is of no importance since you weren't an officer or upper-rank NCO (> E-5) where that education level would really matter.
First off, your punk ass knows nothing about the military.... and 2nd, I wasn't a low rank + moved up pretty quickly.
That's because water fluoridation is not a drug or used for medical treatment.....you incompetent, microcephalic, inarticulate, intellectually-deficient troglodyte.
:ohhh: you really responded this weak to that argument? Even I could have done better than that :wow:

It's something that is going in children's bodies. It supposedly is there for health reasons - in case u didn't know.......... teeth and internal organs are part of the body. Also there has been chemicals that have been in controlled trails to test their safety - regardless of being used for medical treatments, :ufdup:. .​


Theological Noncognitivist Since Birth
Jul 25, 2012
The Wrong Side of the Tracks
Blackking said:
You brought up being stronger.. I said "no- you are a weak non fighting lil bytch who can't defend yourself"

False. Stop lying. This is what you replied with.....

Blackking said:
How r u stronger....? Do u even workout? Do u practice Martial Arts? What's ur profession? Is it possible that i have a higher education level than u, better career, work on things that I can feel proud about, and can fukk u up in 3 different types of fighting styles... ?? That might be possible. The only things I know for sure are that you should chill w all the animosity and that philosophical razors are for bytch nikkas.
Blackking said:
First off, your punk ass knows nothing about the military.... and 2nd, I wasn't a low rank + moved up pretty quickly.

:laff::laff::laff: Lying and oblivious. I'm a Desert Storm Vet you moron.​

Blackking said:
It's something that is going in children's bodies. It supposedly is there for health reasons - in case u didn't know

OBJECTION: Fluoridation is mass medicine.

APPRAISAL: Dean has answered this objection directly stating "any assumption that fluoride is mass medication reveals a lack of knowledge of the carious process and its associated pathology. Medication implies the application of a medicinal substance or agent for the treatment or cure of a disease - the application of remedies. Fluoridation is not a cure or treatment for dental caries. Dental caries produces a nonhealing lesion; dental enamel once injured never repairs itself, with or without medication. Fluorine simply prevents the decay from happening. In short, fluoridation of public water supplies simulates a purely natural phenomenon - a prophylaxis which nature has clearly outlined in those communities that are fortunate enough to have about 1.0 ppm of fluorine naturally present in the water supply, such as Denver, CO, Aurora, Il, and many others."

Black has published similar views and points out that 1401 public water supplies serving 4,188, 000 consumers in the United States contain more than 0.7 ppm of fluoride. He concludes, as did Dean, that fluoridation consists of "merely a process of supplementation, that is, adjusting a normal constituent of most natural waters to its optimum content from the standpoint of the public's health. Obviously, fluoridation is not medication, either mass or individual. Fluorides in minute quantities are a normal constituent of the human body."

ALL your objections have been answered in this thread....http://www.thecoli.com/threads/so-m...t-her-school-gives-her-fluoride-pills.141528/

Read through it and stop repeating nonsense.​
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Jun 4, 2012
False. Stop lying. This is what you replied with.....

:laff::laff::laff: Lying and oblivious. I'm a Desert Storm Vet you moron.​
LOL, then how r u such a bytch nikka then? Why can't you fight? Why do you talk about hoe shyt like Restraining orders? And how old r u? Am I not too young for you to be arguing with?
And y are u hating on me just because I went to msu on academic scholarship and you chose the Military because it was your only option? You don't have to be ashamed..... I respect old vets:salute:


ALL your objections have been answered in this thread....http://www.thecoli.com/threads/so-m...t-her-school-gives-her-fluoride-pills.141528/

Read through it and stop repeating nonsense.​
You are just so silly.... And you take this so seriously. One thing you should know is that, there are many prescriptions you can get for things that are naturally produced in the body. Why do you feel that it's the governments job to provide something that is naturally occurring in our bodies.... Has our millions of years of evolution made us inadequate for the modern world? Not all medication is for illness retard. And not all supplements (which I guess this is ) has avoided testing for safety:ufdup:

For example estrogen is produced in humans.... . but people wasting the product results in children and animals showing hormone level changes- Even some male fish (in areas where that is wasted the most) produce female parts and eggs n shyt :huhldup:. You are not being honest as to why this issue is so personal for you - you remind me of Southern baptist :whoo: I posted all the reasons why these studies can be flawed and the reasons why the scientist may not do the required investigations and you STILL CHOSE to be ignorant. :merchant:

I'm just disappointed at you.... You can't see that we use fluoride (according the US center for disease control) to prevent tooth decay.... but most modern nations simply used other means, mainly F toothpaste. What seems better to you? People making money off a supplement that has avoided serious trials? or much simpler solutions?


Theological Noncognitivist Since Birth
Jul 25, 2012
The Wrong Side of the Tracks
Blackking said:
A rambling post full of nonsense, no evidence, and logical fallacies.

I've already done this dance with LeyeT and I'm not about to get sucked into another one with you.

Both of you have some serious mental issues that you should seek help rectifying.

Welcome to the 'Ignore' list.

Have a Nice Day.​
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Jun 4, 2012

I've already done this dance with LeyeT and I'm not about to get sucked into another one with you.

You go read that thread I linked because your arguments have already been refuted with evidence.​

So basically u avoid all questions? You ignore and don't even address the obvious reasons y the research is flawed (or maybe u don't understand them). You pop off w personal shyt talking until u feel some ether coming............... You actually haven't addressed some of the points I mentioned here. You're just being foolish.

The goal of water fluoridation is to prevent tooth decay by adjusting the concentration of fluoride in public water supplies :ohhh:
Overall, the quality of studies on the effectiveness of water fluoridation was lower than had been expected and a large number of studies were excluded. To be included in the review, studies on the effectiveness of fluoridation had to have a positive answer to the following questions:

  • Are at least two populations compared?
  • Are there different water fluoride concentrations in the two populations?
  • Is it a prospective study design? (ie there were baseline and follow-up examinations)
  • Is the change in fluoride status within the last year (three years for moderate quality papers)?
  • Was at least one of the following outcome measures used: DMFT, dmft, deft, DMFS, dmfs, % caries free teeth/subjects?
Any study which did not answer 'yes' to any of the above questions was excluded.

A large number of the investigations into the effect of water fluoridation on dental caries were not included in the review due to their cross-sectional design, and thus did not meet the inclusion criteria outlined above. All but two of the studies included were before–after studies, two of the included studies used prospective cohort designs. All before–after studies located by the search were included. The most serious defect of these studies was the lack of appropriate analysis. Many studies did not present an analysis at all, while others only carried out simple analyses without attempting to control for potentially confounding factors. While some of these studies were conducted in the 1940s and 50s, prior to the common use of such analyses, studies conducted much later also failed to use methods that were commonplace at the time of the study.

Another defect of many studies was the lack of any measure of variance for the estimates of decay presented. All but two studies that presented the proportion of caries-free children contained sufficient data to calculate standard errors. This was not possible for the studies that presented dmft/DMFT scores. Only four of the eight studies using these data provided estimates of variance.

The differences where fluoride had been removed from the water were less clear. Three studies were unable to detect a difference while four studies found significant differences, ie that the removal of fluoride from the water led to a greater increase in caries in the previously fluoridated group compared with the unfluoridated group.
:stopitslime: Believe anything brehs.

There appears to be some evidence that water fluoridation reduces the inequalities in dental health across social classes in 5- and 12-year-olds, using the dmft/DMFT outcome measure. This effect was not seen in the proportion of caries-free children among 5-year-olds. The data for the effects in children of other ages did not show an effect. The small quantity of studies, differences between these studies and their low quality rating suggests caution in interpreting these results.
Lets not realize the social situations that affect tooth decay more than any random chemicals...... :ohhh:

The inclusion criteria for papers being assessed for adverse effects were less stringent than for those determining positive outcomes. Thus to be included the following criteria had to be fulfilled:

  • at least two populations compared.
  • different fluoride concentrations in the two populations.
Let's pretend to not know the reasons why studies could be flawed.

A total of 33 studies of the association of water fluoridation with other possible adverse effects were included in the review. The outcomes examined included Down's Syndrome, mortality, senile dementia, goitre and IQ levels. Overall, the included studies examining other possible negative effects provided insufficient evidence on any particular outcome to permit confident conclusions.

Interpreting the results of the other possible negative effects proved very difficult because of the small numbers of studies that met inclusion criteria on each specific outcome, the study designs used and poor study quality. A major weakness of these studies generally was the lack of control for any confounding factors, many of which were highlighted by the study authors.


The assessment of natural versus artificial water fluoridation effects was greatly limited due to the lack of studies making this comparison. Very few studies included both natural and artificially fluoridated areas, and direct comparisons were not possible for most outcomes. No major differences were apparent in this review; however, the evidence was not adequate to make a conclusion regarding this objective.

From Wiki -- Fluoride toothpaste is the most widely used and rigorously evaluated fluoride treatment.[13] Its introduction in the early 1970s is considered the main reason for the decline in tooth decay in industrialized countries,[3] and toothpaste appears to be the single common factor in countries where tooth decay has declined.[65] Toothpaste is the only realistic fluoride strategy in many low-income countries, where lack of infrastructure renders water or salt fluoridation infeasible.[66] However, it relies on individual and family behavior, and its use is less likely among lower economic classes;[13] in low-income countries it is unaffordable for the poor.[66] Fluoride toothpaste prevents about 25% of cavities in young permanent teeth, and its effectiveness is improved if higher concentrations of fluoride are used, or if the toothbrushing is supervised. Fluoride mouthwash and gel are about as effective as fluoride toothpaste; fluoride varnish prevents about 45% of cavities.[64] By comparison, brushing with a nonfluoride toothpaste has little effect on cavities.[/QUOTE] :dwillhuh:

So is this really about social welfare and the government being the good guy by providing chemicals (at levels, they determine without studying the affects) :whoo:? SO individual rights are out the window because the GOV cares soooooooo much about our teeth that they will pay 1-10 dollars per person to help us out?

If you say so:manny: I guess we are simply smarter than Finland, Germany, Japan, the Netherlands, Sweden, and Switzerland:manny:

@DEAD7 how do the libertarians feel about this?


Oct 5, 2012
Fresno, CA.
From Wiki -- Fluoride toothpaste is the most widely used and rigorously evaluated fluoride treatment.[13] Its introduction in the early 1970s is considered the main reason for the decline in tooth decay in industrialized countries,[3] and toothpaste appears to be the single common factor in countries where tooth decay has declined.[65] Toothpaste is the only realistic fluoride strategy in many low-income countries, where lack of infrastructure renders water or salt fluoridation infeasible.[66] However, it relies on individual and family behavior, and its use is less likely among lower economic classes;[13] in low-income countries it is unaffordable for the poor.[66] Fluoride toothpaste prevents about 25% of cavities in young permanent teeth, and its effectiveness is improved if higher concentrations of fluoride are used, or if the toothbrushing is supervised. Fluoride mouthwash and gel are about as effective as fluoride toothpaste; fluoride varnish prevents about 45% of cavities.[64] By comparison, brushing with a nonfluoride toothpaste has little effect on cavities.:dwillhuh:

So is this really about social welfare and the government being the good guy by providing chemicals (at levels, they determine without studying the affects) :whoo:? SO individual rights are out the window because the GOV cares soooooooo much about our teeth that they will pay 1-10 dollars per person to help us out?

If you say so:manny: I guess we are simply smarter than Finland, Germany, Japan, the Netherlands, Sweden, and Switzerland:manny:

@DEAD7 how do the libertarians feel about this?
Govt. should be protecting civil liberties, not stripping them in the name of "our own good" :manny:

Moreover on the small list of things govt. should be doing, preventing cavities is no where to be found... just sayin :yeshrug:


Jul 17, 2013
@knowmadd since you asked here's some of my latest casualties.
1. dapped umar
2. degradation of tronics.

there's difference types of knockouts i deliver. they vary from respectable to just straight disrespectful depending on the users.

i got some work to do today but when i'm done i'll get into some threads and body more niccas. or if you want tag me in any thread of your choice cause i really want to know what it feels like losing.


Fast Money & Foreign Objects
May 21, 2012
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