I posted nothing but scientific peer-reviewed rebuttals gathered for over 60 years to EVERY objection raised in that thread, not my opinions. The scientists' conclusions I posted are INFINITELY more valid than your bullshyt attempt to downplay how badly your objection was destroyed along with that fakkit LeyeT's.
come back to reality funk doc.
you would post a scientific study as part of your rebuttal, but the study wouldn't back up your assertion.
example A - in the fluoride thread you posted a study that said 460 people got fluorosis in an area that had not received public water fluoridation. And you jumped to a conclusion and asserted that water fluoridation has NEVER contributed to any cases of fluorosis in the united states EVER, which is totally incorrect.
you also stood by your assertion DESPITE the fact the primary reason the government advocated for the lower fluoride levels in 2011 was to curb fluorosis. the government even stated this themselves. and the fact you dont understand this, something SO basic, means you shouldn't even be participating in this convo, for real.
and you post studies with no link.
and you post statistics with no link.
and you avoid answering direct questions.
and you just found out what water fluoridation was towards the end of the thread (

now... are you really trying to deny these things happened?
because as a matter of fact you did it again a few days ago in the chomsky thread, and i called you out on it AGAIN. you posted a rebuttal that didnt address the main point:
example B:

you idiot.
this is the exact dumb shyt you were doing in the fluoride thread.. posting erroneous rebuttals and passing them off as factual.
please tell me which one of these statements from your previous post:
Fluoride is the only chemical added to water for the purpose of medical treatment.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) classifies fluoride as a
drug when used to prevent or mitigate disease (FDA 2000).
As a matter of basic logic, adding fluoride to water for the sole purpose of preventing tooth decay (a non-waterborne disease) is a form of medical treatment.
All other water treatment chemicals are added to improve the water’s quality or safety, which fluoride does not do.
is refuted by anything in the paragraph you posted as a response:
"The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) does not have regulatory responsibility for public water supplies; that is the responsibility of the Environmental Protection Agency. To my knowledge FDA has made no statements regarding approving substances added to water - I don't know why we would since it is not our area of responsibility. With regard to your question about whether the Agency has made statements about the safety and efficacy of fluoridation, I would say only that we have approved fluoride containing products, dentifrices and mouthrinses, for the prevention of caries."
and the worst part is you dont even know your rebuttals are wrong, even after i explain it to you. but at least the rest of HL gets to see what an intellectual midget you are.
im just dragging your dead body behind my carriage at this point lol... but keep digging that hole funkdoc
oh and...
You're a fool. Stopping water fluoridation would put more people at risk for developing fluorosis since the adjustment accomplished by fluoridation actually LOWERS the amount of naturally-occurring fluoride for the majority of the population receiving optimally-fluoridated community water.
your rebuttals dont hold up fam. ive just posted two examples and there are more in the fluoride thread.
and the fact you and the psuedo-skeptic coalition cant see that means you're either ignorant, dumb, or trolling on a level never seen before.