Higher Learning Podcast #6, Sunday (8/19) 7PM EST.

Broke Wave

Apr 30, 2012
Open Society Foundation
Uh, you guys know the podcast is tomorrow right?



May 6, 2012

looney you know we gotta get into some economics :russ:

and i still wanna talk about blacks and the idea of "giving back" to the community :myman:

and if we have time i wanna ask this question about conspiracy theories: why are we wasting time arguing and bickering about whether or not to believe so-called conspiracy theories, when there are enough actual facts about the wrongdoings of the govt and the ruling class to warrant IMMEDIATE action on a number of fronts.

we can argue about whether the human race was genetically grafted from from mother and father alien races another time :leon:

right now we need to be discussing this financial corruption and who is responsible and how we're going to fix it... fukk worrying about a rothschild or a rockerfeller right now, we gotta get these corporations under control, we gotta give our government some balls, and we gotta get this american economy pumping on the local level again.

we need to address these health care issues and get this fake medicine out of people's bodies and allow a proper balance of alternative medicine... we know certain aspects of alternative medicine work, lets start capitalizing on the medicine in nature... it's no fun to be sick or to have to take care of someone who is sick, especially when we could avoid a lot of this BS.

we need to discuss the WAR going on between urban minorities and the police, we need to dismantle this cotdamn military industrial complex that is KILLING INNOCENT AMERICANS AND INNOCENT FOREIGNERS, and is also costing us a few billie an hour when we're already several TRILLIE in debt

we gotta talk about this very real PRISON industrial complex that has made it extremely profitable to lock people away at ridiculous rates-most of those people being black and brown people.

we gotta do something about these whack public schools, whack colleges and universities, and whack churches brainwashing people.

fukk worrying about who is or isnt in the illuminati when we are on the verge of destroying the earth in about 10 different ways due to our industrial ventures that are damaging the environment in numerous ways.

so lets talk about the real shyt na mean? because whether you believe in so-called "conspiracy theories" or you dont, BOTH believers and non-believers alike can agree that a lot of shyt is fukked up in society and gotta get fixed ASAP because people are DYING out here... or just living hopeless lives...

we know better so we gots to do better

Dusty Bake Activate

Fukk your corny debates
May 1, 2012

looney you know we gotta get into some economics :russ:

and i still wanna talk about blacks and the idea of "giving back" to the community :myman:

and if we have time i wanna ask this question about conspiracy theories: why are we wasting time arguing and bickering about whether or not to believe so-called conspiracy theories, when there are enough actual facts about the wrongdoings of the govt and the ruling class to warrant IMMEDIATE action on a number of fronts.

we can argue about whether the human race was genetically grafted from from mother and father alien races another time :leon:

right now we need to be discussing this financial corruption and who is responsible and how we're going to fix it... fukk worrying about a rothschild or a rockerfeller right now, we gotta get these corporations under control, we gotta give our government some balls, and we gotta get this american economy pumping on the local level again.

we need to address these health care issues and get this fake medicine out of people's bodies and allow a proper balance of alternative medicine... we know certain aspects of alternative medicine work, lets start capitalizing on the medicine in nature... it's no fun to be sick or to have to take care of someone who is sick, especially when we could avoid a lot of this BS.

we need to discuss the WAR going on between urban minorities and the police, we need to dismantle this cotdamn military industrial complex that is KILLING INNOCENT AMERICANS AND INNOCENT FOREIGNERS, and is also costing us a few billie an hour when we're already several TRILLIE in debt

we gotta talk about this very real PRISON industrial complex that has made it extremely profitable to lock people away at ridiculous rates-most of those people being black and brown people.

we gotta do something about these whack public schools, whack colleges and universities, and whack churches brainwashing people.

fukk worrying about who is or isnt in the illuminati when we are on the verge of destroying the earth in about 10 different ways due to our industrial ventures that are damaging the environment in numerous ways.

so lets talk about the real shyt na mean? because whether you believe in so-called "conspiracy theories" or you dont, BOTH believers and non-believers alike can agree that a lot of shyt is fukked up in society and gotta get fixed ASAP because people are DYING out here... or just living hopeless lives...

we know better so we gots to do better

Slow down homie. It's gotta be a roundtable discussion with input and topics generally agreed on by the group...not just a soapbox for Leyet to rant about his pet topics.

I threw out my proposals several days ago...

-Ryan VP pick

-U. S. drone bombings

-Effect of religion in the world and how much criticism is appropriate vs. sensitivity to its followers

(I threw out an extra "overtime" topic of the phenomenon of white boys pretending to be black on the internet, but I was just kinda bullshytting.)

If you've got a short, concise bullet list of topics you want to add to that please share it. Right now we have you, I, Broke Wave, Zero, and She Agree That I'm Looney. Pretty big panel. It might run long tonight if everyone shows up. The rest of you also please share any topics you want to talk about and hopefully we have a good framework for a show by 7 pm.