i think it is a good analogy. it gets to the issue of addressing ideologies held by educators that can be harmful to the children they teach. as long as white supremacy and pedophilia are both harmful, they make for a good analogy in this case. in that context, a response to one would be compared to the perceived reasonable response to the other and then inform me about the philosophy about how one truly believes in addressing potential threats to children.
now, if i expand the analogy to the concept of "decentralization of the harm", in the abstract, decentralizing pedos would be better than the alternative, i suppose, but if i ever heard of specific educators having proven ties to groups such as NAMBLA, i would also want direct action taken to remove them or shut them down. i dont see a compelling reason for looking the other way or defending it.
so, if a person says yes to removing pedo enthusiasts, i have to wonder why if they would not do the same for white supremacists...