Black people are involved in all of that
1) Malcolm X killed by the NOI, Marcus Garvey sabotaged by fellow Blacks
2) Blacks are recording music that "polluted" (nobody is putting a gun to their head)
3) A lot of Black drug dealers who didn't mind feeding peoples habits as long as they got $$$$$
4) Again, BLACK-AFRICAN leaders are in cohoots with foreigners to rape Africa of it's resources. I'm from West Africa, and behind every shady transaction involving natural resources there is a BLACK-AFRICAN person that is involved. Look at the corruption in Nigeria, for example....Black-Africans plundering & stealing
we need to start taking responsibility for our own lack of discipline, lack of morality, and inability to tell the truth when it hurts
You think one person can't corrupted. One rotten apple can spoil the whole bunch. Who knows who is a puppet to push agendas or commit deeds.
You had J.Edgar Hoover a man in a position of power saying, " There will never be another Black Messiah unless we make one".
We on the surface, honestly we don't know what the fuk goin on behind closed doors, when you black and your at a level where you can influence others.