Saved by The Bell....Kelly dates Jeff (the new owner of the Max) who is a older dude in his late 20's it seems....kelly is what 16 at the time?..

...dude would be sittin next to Sandusky right about now...
*interesting fact...the dude that played jeff hunter has been and is still gettin death threats till this day cuz of his character breakin up Zack and Kelly*
Jeff from “Saved by the Bell” records 6,102nd Consecutive Day of Hate Mail for Breaking-Up Zack and Kelly — The Larely Beagle – The Community Newspaper of Larely, California
Hollywood, CA – In a showing of just how well the American public can hold grudges, Patrick Muldoon, the actor who played Jeff on “Saved by the Bell”, received a piece of hate mail for the 6,102nd consecutive day.The hate mail, which is a result of his three-episode arc on “Saved by the Bell” in which he portrayed Jeff Hunter, a manager at The Maxx who steals Kelly Kapowski away from her boyfriend [Zack Morris], has been steady since the episodes aired in September of 1991.
Today’s piece of mail was postmarked in Trenton, NJ and contained a handwritten note with the disparaging remarks, “Dear Son of a bytch, I don’t know how you can sleep at night knowing you ended one of the greatest romances of the 20th Century. You stole Kelly away from Zack and then had the nerve to cheat on her with some whore at The Attic. I can never forgive you for that, and if I ever see you on the street, you’d better believe I’m going to kick you square in the balls. Sincerely, Jenny Mapleton.” The note also had a drawing of a man (presumably Jeffrey) being kicked in the groin by a little girl(presumably Jenny Mapleton).
I thought it would subside after a while, but syndication on TBS has opened S.B.T.B. up to a whole ‘nother generation of viewers that all grow very hateful after they see me on the show.
Muldoon tries to let the threats roll off his back, but admits it can be tough when most Americans between the ages of 11 and 35 hate your guts. “I thought it would subside after a while, but syndication on TBS has opened S.B.T.B. up to a whole ‘nother generation of viewers that all grow very hateful after they see me on the show.” Not only does Muldoon receive hateful letters, he is also frequently berated in public. “Literally any time I leave the house I get some woman yelling at me or some guy trying to kick my ass for what I did to Zack Morris. I try telling them it wasn’t real, and that I was an actor playing a role, but that usually just escalates matters.”
Muldoon also believes his role as Jeff hurt has career as casting agents often choose to cast him in vile roles since the American public already hates him. “I went to five auditions last week, and at four of them they only brought me and the guy that played Boggs in Shawshank Redemption in. Can you believe that?”
While most of the letters are simply tersely worded, there have been a few over the years that have been threatening enough to merit police investigation. While Muldoon won’t go into details about those letters, he will say that they were full of “some pretty sick shyt.”
Though the constant barrage of negativity drags him down, Muldoon tries to remain optimistic saying, “