I put Curt Hennig's AWA run over both WWE and WCW.
The build up to his turning heel and cheating to wint the world tit;e was masterful booking and probably the last time that AWA did something totally right.
And even though his class of opponent suffered because of the AWA beginning its decline,. I still liked the feuds he had while World Champ. He got great matches out of vets like Nick Bockwinkle and Wahoo Mcdaniel, did a lot of defenses against Japanese opponents like Tiger Mask, faced some future stars like John "Earthquake" Tenta and Jeff Jarrett, and his inter-company feud with Jerry Lawler was really good.
Also the Greg Gagne matches were cool just because of the history between the families and how much both guys fathers got involved.
Prolific posting!
As hennig's booking to me heel status in awa.
Is one of the best villian storybook bookings and heel turns.
Supplied for a me champion in our Gen domestically.
In the wwe he was never supplied any direction near that.
Plus,...no one was had as high quality of slow burn heel turn for a me heel champion, to rival it as well.
We had to wait till booby roode to get as good a heel champion booking.
Which was like a condensed obvious rehash.
Yet, roode's change worked so well.
All because it was done with the level of talent as hennig.
I definitely was a huge sentimental fan of perfect.
Yet, i think because of wwf bias and one of the best name changes marketing wise.
People give more actual praise to the perfect character than what really occurred.
Perfect was never booked in the wwf with any actual direction at all.
You can not really name any real storylines or heel directives on par with his awa turn.
As real talk,...
You really will not find any storylines for a me heel champion's comeuppance like hennig in awa.
To even attempt to name a perfect wwf storyline that can rival that.
As once, again....
The hennig awa rise to champion storyline.
Is one of the best slow burn heel turn me champion level turns of our Gen domestically.
Art Barr