How does that ruin the show? HK is basically one intense recorded big job interview so it’s not surprising they created a restaurant with a soundstage and only crew members families and celebs get a reservation. I thought this was common knowledge? Of course I assume that things are going to be stylized for tv. They are opening up a HK restaurant in Vegas, but I’m guessing the only similarities are the items on the menu.
The only way that I would feel it is truly rigged is if the people are actors and the winner is preselected.
It's kind of like if you watch Fresh Prince or Martin and you think they are in a real apartment or house shooting scenes then they zoom out or pan to the audience and you see its a set in front of an audience.
It's not real. It's not a real restaurant. Those aren't just people out looking to go eat somewhere. They do multiple takes and shake things up for dramatic effect. It's just like Jersey Shore or any other "reality" show.
The entire filming is completed in under two weeks or so. And somehow every season someone manages to have an asthma attack, break their ankle, or slice their finger, and have to make a heart wrenching decision to stay or go?
Don't get me wrong I love the show but it's not real.