All for corporate gain and Saudi Arabia.
This has more to do with Israel's Expansion Plan than Saudi Arabia.
All for corporate gain and Saudi Arabia.
ISIS on their mogul shiit, out her merchandising flavorful garments ....![]()
......I'm done
Its social media savvy has made Isis a "terror brand" to rival al-Qaida, with supporters worldwide following the brutal exploits of the Islamist group through its Twitter updates or even downloading the group's own app.
Now supporters can show their loyalty to the group by sporting a T-shirt or hoodie emblazoned with the group's black and white jihadist logo, after the items went on sale on Facebook.
The T-shirts, which are being sold on Indonesia-based websites, cost as little as $7 to $13, and have been on sale for several months, reports Vocativ.
With more than 9,000 likes on Facebook, retailer Zirah Moslem on its website calls itself a purveyor of "Islamic style" and sells clothing that promotes a range of Islamist groups.
Lets keep in mine they got a FB page that works with no hitches apparently.........
All for corporate gain and Saudi Arabia.
This has more to do with Israel's Expansion Plan than Saudi Arabia.
ah an educated man I see. Taking out iraq was for israel. The icing on the cake was stealing iraqs oil
They are taking out Regimes that aren't friendly with Israel and place puppet govts in who support Israel. Look at the Kurds who want their own land are now trading Iraq oil with Israel.
ah an educated man I see. Taking out iraq was for israel. The icing on the cake was stealing iraqs oil
Underrated post.Sadly, this ISIS group are the same b*stards the US refered to as "patriotic rebels" when they were fighting Assad in Syria. Now that their precious Bagdhad is under pressure, this fool Obama is ready to send support to Syria to fight ISIS.
Its truly disgusting. Imagine if Assad fell. Syria would unstable as fukk right now.
The geo political maneuvering being done by our leaders has to be some of the WORST moves in recent memory.
Underrated post.
Isil has no right to long history of Islam
The murderers and terrorists in charge of The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (Isil) have sought to increase their legitimacy by declaring their transitory and horrific domination of parts of Iraq and Syria to be a new Islamic caliphate. They have outraged Muslims throughout the world by changing the name of their organisation to “Islamic State”, thereby making the false and dangerous claim that they are the only genuine Muslim state and that their leader is “the caliph” and “leader for Muslims everywhere”, adding a series of extravagant titles designed to reinforce his claim.
The ludicrous nature of this claim is illustrated by the way their leader has been using an evocative false name to expand his claim to lead all Muslims. His real name, when he was born in the Iraqi town of Samarra, was Ebrahim Awwad Al Badri. As he gathered authority in the terrorist groups in which he moved after the American invasion in 2003, he changed his name to Abu Bakr to adopt the name of the first of the Righteous Caliphs of very early Islam and took a second name of Al Baghdadi to illustrate a claim to the seat of the Abbasid caliphate that ruled for centuries. The authority of the so-called “Islamic State” is as fake as its leader’s name. The caliphate has been abolished for over a century and even then it was merely a courtesy title of the Ottoman Sultan and had fallen into disuse as a genuine political position. It is important that genuine Muslims around the world unite to discredit this small and dangerous organisation and make clear that it has no standing in the global Muslim ummah (community) in any way.
Muslim scholars should speak out against this mis-appropriation of such an important historic religious title and dismiss the leaders of the so-called “Islamic State” for the dangerous collection of psychopaths that they are. Muslim states all over the world should declare that these terrorists are no more than murderers and have no claim to any of the long and honourable history of Islam.